3 votes

How to harden feet for walking barefoot on harsh surfaces?

I used to have the most tender feet. However, I've found that by simply going barefoot year around is the best way to harden them. I live on a ranch in Texas, so I go barefoot whenever possible. Of ...
Stephen Guy's user avatar
2 votes

Hardening the skin on the whole body (not only soles)

I haven't tried it yet, but I hear that if you rub hard with coarse sea salt over the skin on the desired area that it should toughen it up. The coarse salt will cut into the skin, damaging and ...
Son_of_Mars's user avatar
1 vote

How to harden feet for walking barefoot on harsh surfaces?

To walk barefoot on gravel, relax and spread your foot out as wide as it will go for each step, don't tense up and try to walk on the balls of your feet. Been barefoot since the last century.
Dave's user avatar
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1 vote

How to harden feet for walking barefoot on harsh surfaces?

Walk barefoot a lot. Rub your feet with alcohol. Use the 99% stuff, not the 70%. Soak your feet in brine. On hot surfaces it's cooler to run. When you walk, each foot is on the ground more ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
1 vote

How to harden feet for walking barefoot on harsh surfaces?

I live in San Diego and this past summer I've walked barefoot at home almost 100%. Meaning when the Asphalt in front of my house was 135°F, I'd purposely stand on it to toughen the feet up. I also ...
curo's user avatar
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