To answer your underlying idea, mounting a canoe on the roof of a regular car can easily be done safely - however you've chosen two poor examples.
First photo: not safe
There's no proper roof-bars. The type of foam pads used aren't suitable for anything bigger than a surf-board. Used like this they will also damage the car roof. I wouldn't ever consider the type of tail mount used.
Second photo: better - right idea but poorly executed.
Here we see the boat on proper roof-bars with good straps. However, the boat should be centred on these, even if this means sticking out more at the back.
Solid roof-bars (available for all normal cars), with the bars spaced out as much as possible and the boat centred on these - with good quality straps used to secure the boat to the bars. A rear light should be added where necessary.
Note: when the boat is centred, this prevents forward/back movement because the straps are either side of the middle/widest point.
Note2: both photos place a heavy emphasis on nose/tail strapping. In reality they add very little and should never be relied upon. They can help reduce bouncing but if the boat isn't secure without them, it won't be secure with them.