I've Googled this a lot over the last couple of days, but it feels like most of the answers are aimed at target shooting. I live in South Africa, and we do allot of hunting in the bushveld as well as long distance shooting in the Karoo. I'm looking for a good all round scope that can accommodate short distances (80m) as well as long (300m).


I ended up buying a Fortex PST Viper 6-24x50 ERB-1 MOA SFP, which is a true pleasure to use!

1 Answer 1


Here are some characteristics that I can give you for a good scope, selecting the individual one will be up to you

  • Variable Magnification for both short and long distances.
  • Nitrogen filled to prevent fogging.
  • Has a sunshade to prevent glare.
  • Smaller MOA on the turrets for sighting it in. (1/8 MOA increments)
  • Illuminated reticle for low light
  • A larger main tube (30mm vs 1 inch) will be brighter
  • If you get a mildot or a MOA scope, make sure its a first-focal plane scope.
  • Fits in your budget.

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