Are there any suggestions on what footwear to wear in a wet climate (specific: Vietnam in September)?
The use case would be mostly walking on streets, with occasional hikes in easy but slippery terrain.
For short term undertakings I would simply go for hiking boots.
But in that case the shoes won't have a real chance to dry as I infer from other reports. Typical suggestions include: - FlipFlops (plastic) - Birkenstocks (the plastic ones) - Crocs (plastic) - Basically everything that is made of plastic und soaks up no water
All these solutions seem highly unreasonable for longer periods of walking, let alone off the streets, let alone with a backpack of approx 10-15kg.
I am looking for suggestions that are backed up by experience and minimize the amount of shoes that need to be used to achieve a comfortable and healthy trip.
I am also looking for suggestions on how to dry shoes in a wet climate.