Yesterday I was flying above the Mediterranean sea, it was a nice day, without storms or strong winds. I fly around 20 minutes above it before arriving to the ground.
During these 20 minutes I saw that the sea had plenty of white spots, some of them really big, more than a ship. They were not changing size, changing shape or disappearing as waves would do. Really, each one of them did not change at all during the minutes I could see them.
It looks as foam from a chemical product or something similar. But there was A LOT of spots during long time in the whole sea, as far as I could see and during the whole travel. Close to the shore, the white spots disappear. What can that be? If is some chemical, where does it come from? Waves? I dont think so...
-I am not sure if I should ask this here-
See this photo I did. They seem at the beginning waves but they would change. These spots in the photo didn't change at all
I was flight through more or less this route: