I'm fascinated by bats. I love to watch them fly around, although I've never seen more than a few at a time where I live in a suburban area in Massachusetts, Northeastern Unites States.
I'd love to see them in large numbers in their natural habitat, and it seems that Texas is a good choice for that. Texas has a few areas of established bat colonies, the most notable species of which is the Mexican Free-tailed bats. Apparently at certain times of the year there are more than a million of these bats living in a specific region of Texas at the same time. Tourism is high when there's a possibility of seeing them.
In August of 2017, Hurricane Harvey, did almost unprecedented damage to Texas and neighboring states.
Many local conservation groups, scientists and concerned citizens worked hard for months to salvage as much of the habitat and as many bats as possible. I was told that large conservation organizations from all over the world joined with them. Why would they do that? Devoting so many human and financial resources seems like a lot unless bats are important for reasons other than tourism.
What's so important about bats that conservationists from all over the world want to save them?