In hunting/shooting, you will often see the term MOA (which stands for minute of angle).
What exactly is an (MOA) minute of angle when it comes to shooting?
In hunting/shooting, you will often see the term MOA (which stands for minute of angle).
What exactly is an (MOA) minute of angle when it comes to shooting?
A minute of angle is a measure of an angle. It is 1/60th of a degree, 1/21600th of a circle.
Often times you will see this in
In regards to distance, one MOA corresponds to 1.047 inches per 100 yards, so 1 inch at 100 yards and 3 inches at 300 yards.
This can be useful to know when sighting in if you are 2 inches low at 100 yards, you need to move the scope up 2 MOA for 8 increments on a 1/4 MOA increment scope.
MOA can also be used for ranging targets with the right scope, a 12-inch prairie dog will be 12 MOA tall at 100 yards and 6 MOA at 200 yards.