I've got an 11mm static rope. Can I use it safely for top-rope belay/rappel with a belay device that is designed for "9.5 - 10.5 mm rope"?..
I actually rappelled three times with no issues but the rope felt very thick and stubborn. Can it be seriously damaged by the belay device or are those extra 0.5mm nothing to worry about?..
EDIT (after helpful comments) for someone finding this question later
DON'T use static rope for real climbing in the mountains! Even a short fall with a small amount of slack can generate astonishing force acting on your body (you won't fall down but you won't survive the shock!)
When I said I use this rope for top-roping, I meant some special situations (e.g. top-roping a tall tree for practice with no slack in the system - I don't want to have a dynamic fall with rope stretching and throwing me on some branch!)