What would possess a small animal to hold its ground as a giant object barrels towards it?
Some kind of illness or injury. The racoon in your video did not appear to be injured.
The raccoon's behavior in your video is far from normal. If you live in an area where racoon rabies is found (it's particularly bad in the eastern and southern states in the US), it's probably rabies or another serious virus (parvovirus or distemper.)
Behavioral change is one of earliest signs of rabies in raccoons. Acting in a way that is contrary to the norm is an indication of rabies. These changes include being too aggressive... ...more friendly and easy to tame ...[L]ooks [C]onfused and [S]low... ...the raccoon is walking in circles and its movements seem to have no purpose... A healthy raccoon always stays alert and does things purposefully.
Decades ago, I saw a rabid dog in a busy intersection, where it had stopped traffic. It was unmistakable: the dog was lunging at cars, foaming at the mouth, acting wildly inappropriately. But not all animals with rabies act like that stereotype. Bats don't necessarily look sick at all. Relatively early in the course, raccoons may simply appear disoriented.
Injured animals tend to be still even in inappropriately unsafe spaces. A juvenile oppossum was crouching under a neighbor's car in daylight, unmoving. The neighbor brought it to me. I thought it was just lost, but it didn't resist me in any way (nor was it aggressive.) On careful examination, it had two puncture wounds, one on either side of it's chest, and one was deep enough to have punctured it's lung (it had subcutaneous emphysema.) I was worried that it would be euthanized if turned over to a wildlife facility, so it was nursed back to health in my bathroom. Luckily, it didn't take to this human and was released uneventfully. I've seen injured rabbits and birds behave similarly depending somewhat on the injury.
How to Tell If a Raccoon Has Rabies.
Raccoons and public health