Are there any boating restrictions near nuclear power plants on the shore of Lake Ontario (Canada side)? For example, is there a law that says you should stay back a certain distance from Darlington Nuclear Station?
I found a website that mentions darlington nuclear: Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations. But I haven't been able to make sense of the coordinates. I tried to enter them as waypoints in Google Earth, but the resulting points didn't make much sense to me:
I'd like to know what the regulations are without needing to go close enough to read any possible signs on shore, and getting way too close in the process.
Edit #2:
This is what the property boundary map looks like. Source: OMAFRA AgMaps; enable the Assessment Parcel layer and the Ontario Imagery layer.
I imagine the property boundaries that stretch out into the lake delineate underwater pipe infrastructure. So the Transport Canada coordinates make a bit more sense now -- they seem to outline a rectangle around the property boundary/infrastructure.
Edit #3:
Transport Canada said this in an email:
There is a Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations Schedule 1 restriction applicable to the area referenced below, restricting this area as “Waters on Which All Vessels are Prohibited.”