I'm looking for a good solution for clothing (or clothes washing) on long hikes with the following considerations
- Southeastern United States, Appalachians
- We hike light
- 10+ day trips
I don't want to wear dirty clothes for too long, especially socks. When clothes start to chafe, it's going to have a real impact on my ability to keep going. I want minimal weight, but something that will allow me to keep going.
It has been my experience, even with good quality (I've tried just about every brand of hiking sock sold), that things like socks do not dry out overnight in the Appalachian mountains. I have socks that are okay for hiking when wet, but I'm not sure that's the right way to go (wash and hike in wet socks seems much less than ideal).
To be clear, my concern is how to wash and have dry clothes and specifically the plan and gear for that. I need specifically for long hikes, in areas where there's lots of tree cover (ie, the appalachians), and lost of moisture (ie, the appalachians).