This weekend, on a 3-night hiking trip, we decided to head for the Pieggaluoppal wind shelter for the final night. When we arrived (at 23:15 and after 13½ hours of hiking) we were a bit disappointed to see that it looked like this¹:
(Photo from before it burnt down)
We came home yesterday and googling Pieggaluopal does result in a Swedish language forum-post from 2010 describing how someones father was told that it had burnt down, and that no decision had been takes as to whether or not it would be rebuilt.
Now, this wind shelter is in a relatively frequented area (probably dozens of people per year pass by), but some are in quite remote regions. How can hikers prepare and get up-to-date information as to the state of wind shelters along the way? In Norway, sections of Den Norske Turistforeningen (DNT) such as Narvik og Omegn Turistforening (NOT) have information online such as for Baugebua or Oallavagge, but is there any central resource for Swedish shelters?
¹ We had a tent, so it was not a big problem, but we'd have appreciated a roof after a long and rainy day.