Bears and other wildlife are attracted to unusual scents, especially anything that could potentially be mistaken as food, such as often-sweet-smelling, aromatic pipe tobacco or cigars. However, you're essentially just burning the material and just creating smoke. And animals general aren't attracted to fire or smoke. I can imagine this one going either way, and I haven't really found a definitive answer anywhere. Personal experience leads me to think it's generally safe, but I'm only one person in one region, in one country.
Could smoking pipe tobacco or a cigar attract bears and/or other wildlife? Especially predators? If so, what specifically is the main danger: the unsmoked tobacco, the vaporizing of the tobacco through smoking, or the leftovers?
I know that this could lead into a conversation about smoking anything, but for the sake of this one, let's keep it to aromatic tobacco smoking, not including cigarettes.