There are quite a few questions here about suitable foods for different excursions / types of food to take etc. Inspired by questions like this and this I decided to finally ask this one.
I happen to have Acid Reflux which, for those who don't know what it's like, is like a permanent heartburn / indigestion feeling at its best, at it's worst there are chest pains, constant burping, and the oh so attractive 'sicky burp'. There are a number of foods which are supposedly good for Acid Reflux, but I'm not sure which would be good for trekking and I am unable to go too long without meat before needing some. For example on a bad AR day or a few days meat free a burger settles my stomach best, and this has been talked over with my doctor.
What foods are good for trekking, but also won't upset to stomach / Acid Reflux?