Being a climber (mostly indoor these days) with a lifetime of eczema on my hands, and some nasty flapper experiences (and a pulley injury), I've done lots of research into this! So lots of mentions of product, but I'm not getting handouts ;)
RE. Moisturisers. I think this is a very personal decision about the type, frequency and timing. I'm a big fan of unscented Neutrogena Norwegian Formula concentrated hand cream for my day-to-day moisturiser. I'm trying Ultrabalm from the smelly shop Lush as it's all nice and natural. I've also got a jar of the O'Keeffe's but I'm still getting used to it. Plus what the doctor ordered for the eczema.
However, after a chalky, skin-shredding bouldering session, I'll:
- Wash my hands throughly in warm water.
- Apply moisturiser thickly and leave it to sink in
- Try to do as little as possible with my hands for the next 20 mins or so. Gripping a nice glass of your favourite cool beverage can feel great ;)
- Reapply moisturiser when needed. This is also when I do some serious tendon massage on my recovering finger.
So, the other thing is I also swim. And post swimming is when I file my calluses to make tidy, flat calluses which are less likely to rip.
I picked up this fake-pumice hard skin remover from Lloyds chemist - (in the UK). I haven't tried sandpaper, but this works really for me. The slightly curved edges give it a variety of shapes for the different bits of callused hand, and it's not too tough to remove live skin, but still nice and grind-y on the hard bits.
Just sticking to this routine seems to help. Hope this is useful!