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Questions tagged [cooking]

Questions about preparing meals during outdoor activities, such as camping or survival.

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10 votes
2 answers

Is it safe to carry Butane canisters bought at sea level up to 5500m?

I am planning a trip to the Everest Base Camp in a few days. I am planning to carry with me a portable stove and 4 Butane Canisters, to make soup and stuff. About Butane Canisters: These are bought ...
Iskander's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is it unsafe to cook over yew firewood?

I'm aware roughly of the toxicity of yew. But I can't find definitive evidence of whether or not burning yew logs as firewood, and cooking over the yew, would cause toxic effects. I've found some ...
north_left's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Should I drain the pierceable fuel canister once mounted to the stove?

Going to use a camping gas stove campingaz 206, which uses the pierceable fuel cartridge. The instruction on the cartridge states it should not be detached from the stove unless empty. Does it mean I ...
Moisej Braver's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is my camping stove leaking? How can I check?

I have a Campingaz Camping 206 S camping stove, like the following picture, though I'm hoping any advice I get here will apply equally well to any kind of small gas camping stove. It's been a pretty ...
ymbirtt's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Overnight cooking in active bear area

I have sometimes heard people suggest cooking long meals overnight while camping. For example, the book "Gastronomie en plein air" written by Odile Dumais, talks about cooking pea soup or ...
le petit prince's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Coleman 2-burner Camp Chef stove leaks: Can't find suitable seal

A 15-year-old square o-ring has deteriorated to the point that it can't hold the seal, and propane leaks around it. I have exhausted myself searching for a suitable replacement. The seal in question ...
Beanluc's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Cooking: Is it possible to combine Primus Omnilite Ti Stove with Soto Stormbreaker Bottle?

Is it possible to use a Primus Omnilite Ti stove with a Soto Stormbreaker bottle? The Soto Bottle has several advantages over the Primus pendant (e.g. pressure indicator, power regulator, etc.) which ...
Dave's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Cookware: Why not Copper instead of Titanium, Aluminium or Stainless Steel?

Currently there are three major materials for hiking/lightweight cookware ruling the market: Aluminium Titanium Stainless Steel Each of those materials has several advantages and disadvantages: ...
Dave's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What features should I look for in a solar cooker for dim daylight conditions?

The commercially available solar cookers seem to use a variety of different technologies. I have seen ones that use mirrors, ones that use evacuate tubes, and other things, in different configurations....
capet's user avatar
  • 183
0 votes
0 answers

Coleman Stove / 5 gallon tank adapter / Doesn't work consistently Bought the item above to connect: Classic (x2) burner camp ...
user3533030's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Grilling in the wilderness

I've got a question.. What will be the best option to smoke meat outdoor? I'm worried about maintaining temperature, to not burn it. I tried to that on my backyard before I can march to the woods. But ...
Posopr's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Suffocation while cooking under an umbrella?

I was recently backpacking in Olympic National Park. I didn't have a tarp with me (was being cheap. Bought one shortly after the trip) but had a $5 umbrella. It rained a bit during one the mornings ...
noah's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

How to improvise or make pot grip / pot handle

How do you deal with handling hot pots / cups without using a pot grip (see the picture for an example)? It's inexpensive and rather light-weight, but why add gear if you can use what you already have?...
Alexander's user avatar
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2 answers

Could I have problems / obstacles with obtaining petrol / gasoline for a stove

I've been thinking for some time to buy a multifuel stove for use in cold and high-altitude camping as compressed gas might be unreliable, and, most importantly, difficult to obtain in remote location....
Alexander's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can or should you season titanium cookware?

I have a set of titanium cookware that I use for backpacking. It's a small set for one to two people and consists of two little pots and one cover/frying pan. Mostly, this set gets used for boiling ...
Van's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to deal with changing clothing which was used while cooking as not to attract a bears?

It is said you not only need to keep food at least 30-100 meters away from the tent, which is easy do to, but you also can't sleep in the same clothing which was worn while eating, which can be very ...
lowtoxin's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Buying Campingaz in Eastern Europe

My boyfriend and I are currently a month into a 3-4 month trip in Europe and are finding it quite challenging to find suitable gas refills for our van. The gas runs both the cooktop and the fridge. ...
Boucledor 's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to craft container for cooking and filtering/purifying water [duplicate]

If a scenario in which you go in the forest or next to one, how are you supposed to craft a containers? All the web-ressources I can find for filtering water thanks to the multi-layer rocks (from ...
T.Nel's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Is there a standard way of marking cooking alcohol containers?

The alcohol used for cooking is poisonous. Denatured alcohol, also called methylated spirit (methylated spirits in Australia and New Zealand) or denatured rectified spirit, is ethanol that has ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why couldn't you eat frozen bait shrimp?

We have a question about how to store dead bait shrimp, both answers suggest that you can simply eat the bait shrimp, but one says, As for freezing them, they won't be alive anymore but they should ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Food to bring on long hike [duplicate]

I am planning on doing a around 2 week hike and bring all food with me. I would walk around 25-30 km a day. To major constraints here are the weight and cost of the food. I have made the following ...
hikerman's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is freezer bag cooking safe?

Freezer bag cooking refers to cooking by boiling water in a pot, add the boiling water to a zip-lock type freezer bag filled with the meal, placing the filled bag in an insulating cozy, and letting ...
StrongBad's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

Diet for Long-Term Camping

I will be camping and commuting to work for some undetermined number of months. During this time, I plan to do a lot of working out as well, and I'm wondering what healthy camp-friendly mostly non-...
TQM's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to clean and cook Asian Carp

To start I am from the Midwest in the United States. In the recent years, many lakes and rivers have been taken over by an invasive species of fish called Asian Carp. These fish are disgusting/slimy ...
AGrammerPro's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What precautions should I take when cooking smelly food in an area with bears?

I'm planning an overnight hiking trip and want to try cooking fish. We will be camping at an established backcountry site on the trail, which has a spot for a tent near a fire ring. However, this is ...
user812786's user avatar
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How to manage the risks of sleeping and cooking in a camper van?

There is a significant proportion of individuals who enjoy the Great Outdoors that also travel to the wilderness in vehicles converted for camping (RV, Vans, some boats etc). For those living an ...
Venture2099's user avatar
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What situations/locations would be ideal for using a solar stove while backpacking?

After answering this question, I am wondering when it would be useful to cook with a solar stove. It certainly wouldn't make sense in an area that is constantly overcast or when speed is of the ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Are there any techniques to cooking food when camping in the wild by harnessing the energy of the sun?

Are there any techniques to cooking food camping in the wild by harnessing the sun's energy (rays)? We have all heard of solar panels being used to generate electricity, but are there any techniques ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Easiest way to preserve a fishing catch - with cooking or pickling

I'm looking for the easiest way to cook or preserve fish at the river or lakeside with as minimal preparation or cooking involved so they can be eaten later. Mainly trout, pike or walleye. Ideally I ...
CG Smith's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Baking with backpacking stoves

What are strategies for successful baking on the trail where wood fires are not allowed? I am particularly interested in Pizza Cookies Pies Corn Bread
SierraCalifornicus's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How can you tell if roadkill is safe to eat?

In some places in the US, it is legal to take roadkill home and eat it while in other places the meat is donated. If it was legal where you are, how would you tell if the meat is still good?
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Would it hurt anything to leave a canister stove attached overnight?

If I cook a hot dinner on a canister stove and plan on cooking a hot breakfast in the morning, can I leave the stove on the canister overnight or would it be better to take it off and reattach in the ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How do you smoke salmon in the wild without a smoker?

How do you smoke salmon in the wild without a smoker? I am going camping with a few friends and we would like to try smoking any salmon we catch during our time in the wild. How do we safely smoke ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What water is fit for cleaning hands & gear during a visit to the Great Outdoors?

I am looking to setup dish and hand washing stations for a group of folks in a fairly-wild woodland, in a car-camping summertime setting, for 2-5 days (depending on the occasion). Is stream water fit ...
cr0's user avatar
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1 answer

What are important components of a camp kitchen?

Remote, private land with no 'improvements'. Dirt road access up to a small field with a campfire, stream down a hill nearby, surrounded by vast woodland. A group of ~20 people gathering on site from ...
cr0's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Preparing rice and mashed potatoes with warm instead of cooking water

For a one week trip in a dry region I need to conserve water and weight. My idea is to bring precooked "instant rice" and pulverulent mashed potatoes. I´d warm a bit of water to about 40 - 50° C and ...
Zsolt Szilagy's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

What kind of stones should not be used to grind food?

I found a pink slab of stone with a nice dip in the middle and thought of using it as a mortar for grinding spices. Are there any stones whose makeup could potentially leach toxins?
SwampWitch's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Is it safe to add boiling water to Mylar?

Many pre-packaged meals are designed to cook in the pouch by adding boiling water. If I am making my own meals with mylar pouches, would it be safe too cook them by adding boiling water to the pouch? ...
Russell Steen's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Can you boil water on top of Everest?

We recently had the question Can you get burned by boiling water on everest? and not to long ago the question Why aren't there any electric stoves that can be used for cooking where you can't ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Can you get burned by boiling water on everest?

At sea level, pure water boils at 100°C. In my hometown, water boils at 97°C, and being at a higher elevation we always had to boil or cook our food longer than the recommended times given in recipes. ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is the ACE 1 Ultra-Clean Biomass Cookstove too good to be true?

I was looking for a loan on Kiva and found this loan in Lesotho (Africa) The product people are borrowing money for is the ACE 1 Ultra-Clean Biomass Cookstove which sounds fantastic. It is designed ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Stoveless/fireless hiking food suggestions

In light of the recent forest-fire qualms that have arisen all over the globe (not to imply that any of y'all are irresponsible enough to have the capacity to start any, and hopefully that same would ...
Tom McCone's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Why do some prefer methane to cook food

It feels like methane is growing popularity to cook food while camping. I've only used the "classics" like methanol, propane and butane. Why would I prefer methane gas as my camp stove fuel?
OddDeer's user avatar
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Can you eat dock leaves? How can they be prepared?

Are dock leaves/rumex edible? They're on of the most common plants we see in the UK (that and stinging nettles) and I find myself wondering how if I could eat them. I've been told before that you ...
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Tips for Cooking with Unseasoned (green) Firewood

We car-camp regularly at Ontario provincial parks. The parks forbid bringing in our own wood (to help prevent foreign invasive species from entering the local ecosystem). We are supposed to buy ...
ckpwong's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

What are the Pros and Cons of No-Cook Backpacking?

While perusing my gear this morning, it occurred to me that I hadn't bothered to buy or make a stove for backpacking. On the whole, I'm not a big fan of hot food, even when I'm a mite chilled. What ...
Zach L's user avatar
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6 answers

What is the easiest way to remove creosote from pots and pans?

I just returned from a five day trip during which we used a friend's Solo Stove (wood burner). My pots are now covered with a thick, sticky, black layer of creosote. I've tried steel wool and soap, ...
Jeff W's user avatar
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Is it a good idea to grind Esbit fire tabs?

Esbit tabs can't be lit with a firesteel, unless you grind (produce a powder) some of the tab up first (here's a video about how to do that: A firesteel ...
Dakatine's user avatar
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11 votes
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How to clean cookware?

When going camping on a multi-day trip, how do you clean metal pots, metal silverware and plates (for metal or ceramic)? The solution that came to mind was to bring dish soap and a sponge. However: ...
Superbest's user avatar
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22 votes
8 answers

How to cook meat with no equipment?

Our ancestors have cooked and eaten meat for thousands of years with only primitive equipment (no pots, pans, etc). In a survival situation or when traveling with minimum equipment it may be useful to ...
nivag's user avatar
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