Questions tagged [deer]

Questions relating to interacting with ruminants of the family Cervidae in the outdoors (including hunting)

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17 votes
4 answers

Why are there separate seasons for archery and firearm hunting for deer?

I was reading up on Pennsylvania's hunting regulations and noticed there are different seasons for the hunting of deer with bow-and-arrow and firearms. Why is this? I can understand hunting seasons ...
Skooba's user avatar
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Deer with strange growths

I have a trailcam set up and curious what these growths are on this specific deer. I don't think it's Chronic Wasting Disease but unsure what it could be.
Chad's user avatar
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I have read/seen a video that female deer (adults: does) in heat will approach humans -- do they even approach predators?

I believe I read that young (that is, inexperienced) female deer become so affectionate that they will approach human hunters in the wild (who I assume restrain themselves from taking such an easy ...
releseabe's user avatar
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