Questions tagged [history]

Questions about the history of things in the Outdoors

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Tahoma Creek suspension bridge history

One of my more memorable hiking experiences came on the Wonderland Trail in the summer of 1994. The trail is about 93 miles (150 kilometers) long. It's in the Mount Rainier State Park which is located ...
StrongBad's user avatar
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What was the highest mountain climbed without supplemental oxygen, and the lowest one climbed with oxygen, before Messner's 1970 Nanga Parba ascent?

I wonder what the highest mountain (or highest elevation above sea level, not necessarily a summit) had been that was climbed without oxygen and the lowest one that was climbed with oxygen out of fear ...
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What were the original trail signs on the Toiyabe Crest Trail?

This summer I did the Toiyabe Crest Trail and noticed that there are three different kinds of trail signs: Cheap plastic triangular ones that say Toiyabe Crest National Recreation Trail Square posts ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar