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Questions tagged [hunting]

Scouting, tracking, pursuing, and killing animals for sport and/or food.

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53 votes
4 answers

Can I eat the rabbits my cat catches?

My cat gets a rabbit every other week or so. He usually eats the whole thing himself but I was wondering if I should try and cook it for myself. Is there even enough meat on them to make it worth the ...
chrisdrhjh's user avatar
40 votes
6 answers

Backpacking or hiking in areas open to hunting

A lot of areas that are good for hiking or backpacking are also popular hunting grounds. I am an avid backpacker and hiker, but I do not know much about hunting. How do I find out what is the ...
Jan Hlavacek's user avatar
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34 votes
6 answers

What is the responsible way to sell a firearm?

I am moving to a different state soon. In order to make the move easier I have decided to sell some of my firearms. I live in a state that doesn't have universal background checks, unfortunately. ...
Unknown Coder's user avatar
31 votes
6 answers

"Don’t step on anything you can step over." - What does this mean?

Fred Bear’s 10 Commandments of hunting state as the first principle: Don't step on anything you can step over What does he mean with this statement? I don't really get what's the problem ...
OddDeer's user avatar
  • 23.5k
28 votes
7 answers

How likely are you to be injured by falling shot from a game shoot?

One of my regular trail running routes goes past a pheasant shoot. The route is on a public footpath and the shooting is usually from the woods nearby towards the direction of the path (ascertained by ...
Darren's user avatar
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26 votes
9 answers

How to humanely kill an injured rabbit?

My girlfriend was walking the dogs this am when she came across what she thought was a road kill rabbit. One of the dogs ran over to the "dead" rabbit and tried to take a bite out of the stomach. The ...
user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

How to humanely kill an injured bird?

Last night I was walking my dog when I came across an injured racing pigeon. I've reported it to the owner who's coming to pick it up today, providing it's survived the night..... I was thinking ...
user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

What is this weird mechanical thing I found in the woods?

I hope this is the right community. I was walking through the woods and found this weird thing, it was in front of a hunting tower, and a wildlife cam was pointed at it. There where traces of deer(?) ...
gries's user avatar
  • 313
17 votes
4 answers

Why are there separate seasons for archery and firearm hunting for deer?

I was reading up on Pennsylvania's hunting regulations and noticed there are different seasons for the hunting of deer with bow-and-arrow and firearms. Why is this? I can understand hunting seasons ...
Skooba's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Staying safe from hunters while hiking in France

This question is specific to France, as different countries have different hunting cultures and regulations. There have been a number of highly publicized accidents in France this year (1, 2, 3). ...
Shellabo's user avatar
  • 171
15 votes
10 answers

Non-gun hunting tools for small game

I'm looking for alternative ways of hunting small game (rabbits, pigeons, etc.) besides a rifle/pistol, and the requirements I have found to be the most important are: Effective - Gaining more ...
Mwigs's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Deer activity in the wet

Over the years, when out walking and on my commute through the countryside I've noticed that, when it's intensely pouring with rain, Roe deer seems to come out of the forests into open fields to eat. ...
Aravona's user avatar
  • 15.4k
14 votes
5 answers

Why do you not aim for the head while archery hunting?

In 3D archery and while hunting we're aiming for the lungs and the heart most of the time. At least this is true for bobcats, lynxes, deer and other similar animals. See this target for example: ...
OddDeer's user avatar
  • 23.5k
14 votes
1 answer

After I've shot large game, and it escapes, how can I track it?

When hunting in the forest/mountains, how can I track large game (in particular, deer, elk, sheep, the like) after I've shot and wounded him and he's escaped? What should I look for? What signs are ...
studiohack's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

Resources for finding public hunting land

Are there any good resources out there for locating publicly available hunting land? UPDATE: I should have stated that I'm looking for land in the US. Also, I'm interested in any public land (...
Ryan's user avatar
  • 233
13 votes
2 answers

Why would archery season be either before or after rifle season?

Are there any reasons, other than tradition, to have archery season either before or after rifle season? I was chatting with a couple of Stack Exchangers when one of them remarked that in Pennsylvania,...
SQB's user avatar
  • 342
13 votes
1 answer

Tips for hunting nocturnal deer

I recently moved to a property on 20 acres and I'm a total noob when it comes to hunting. There are several deer stands setup all over the property mostly along the tree line overlooking some open ...
Micah's user avatar
  • 233
13 votes
2 answers

Will bug repellent repel deer?

I was wondering whether the deer would be able to smell bug repellent if you are wearing some while out hunting. Is there a specific type of bug repellent that can be used that is less likely to make ...
J Lundberg's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Carrying small game while hunting on foot?

I like to hunt on foot, walking through the desert. I mostly shoot jackrabbits since those are plentiful in my area. However, I still haven't found a good system for carrying the animals back to the ...
Unknown Coder's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

How do I get started duck hunting?

There's a huge list of things to start duck hunting. Dogs, decoys, blinds, etc, and it's a chicken/egg problem. How could I possibly know how to buy and train a dog, which decoys to buy, etc., ...
Colin Akins's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

If you get a "clean" kill on a deer how long do you have to field dress?

If you are out and get a "clean" kill on a deer, meaning that you have hit only its vitals, how long do you have to field dress the deer? Also, beyond that how long do you have to get that deer ...
J Lundberg's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How can you make snares safe?

I've been watching a LOT of snare/trap setting videos. They spend an lot of time making the snares nigh invisible. None of these snares would seriously injure a person, but I would like to avoid ...
Russell Steen's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Field dressing small game in hot climates

When hunting small game in a hot climate, is it advisable to field dress the game where it falls, or wait until the carcass can be refrigerated? Searching has turned up plenty of conflicting answers, ...
Kevin Krumwiede's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

What does glass mean in the context of hunting?

I have read several blogs and watched videos on hunting where I have heard people use the term glass. I have no idea what it means and I have found very little on Google about what it could mean. So,...
J Lundberg's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Are elk and deer colorblind to blaze orange/pink clothes?

During rifle season, hunters are required to wear blaze orange (some states also allow bright pink). I have heard that deer and elk are color blind to blaze orange, is there scientific evidence to ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

What is pelt sealing and why is it required for certain species?

According to the NYS DEC's website, if you hunt & kill certain species (bobcats, martens, etc.) you must get its pelt 'sealed'. If you Google pelt sealing you'll get a strange list of articles, ...
smeeb's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

What is an appropriate caliber for hunting mule deer?

I am new to hunting and am looking at various options. I am considering doing some hunting for mule deer in Montana. But I am unsure of an appropriate caliber for them. To increase my shooting skills, ...
Unknown Coder's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Risk of getting Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in the United States?

What is the risk from being exposed to chronic wasting disease (CWD) from hunting Elk, Deer or Moose as a hunter in the United States?
ben's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to become a falconer at a young age?

Last year, we had an assembly at school where two falconers came and talked about the craft. I thought it was amazing and the idea captivated me. But I don't quite remember all the details. He said ...
Ian's user avatar
  • 111
10 votes
3 answers

Any rational reason to pick a spear to hunt?

Lately I saw a lot of people hunting with spears. Not the primitive type of spear but rather a high-tech one. It looked like made out of carbon or something. I think they were from North America. The ...
OddDeer's user avatar
  • 23.5k
10 votes
2 answers

Trustworthyness of a claim that a "not hung" doe can't be completely processed

I've field dressed a doe at 3 PM in Illinois. Due to bad storm and light, I had to leave it in the back of a pickup over night (it was about 30-40 degrees outside). I finally had it at processors ...
lynn's user avatar
  • 101
10 votes
1 answer

Which wildlife is it legal to hunt in the UK?

Does someone have a list or a link of exactly which UK wildlife it is legal to hunt & safe (& tasty) to eat? For example, are rabbits safe to eat, or is myxomatosis still a problem? ...
kittylyst's user avatar
  • 407
10 votes
2 answers

Hunting bears with a knife?

Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne (1876) describes how Siberian hunters used to hunt bears with nothing but a knife. This was ideally done with a single lethal blow, to damage the fur as little as ...
user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

I have an older shotgun designed for lead shot, can I use steel shot?

I have an older shotgun designed for lead shot, by law I can only fire steel shot. Can I fire steel shot, or do I need get a new shotgun? If I can use steel shot, what additional maintenance is ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to have wild meat inspected or graded?

Is there any way to get wild meat inspected and graded in the same (or similar) way as domestic meats for parasites, contaminants, etc.? If so what are good starting resources or methods for finding ...
Russell Steen's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

What options are available for hunting feral boar on Hawaii?

I posted this on originally, but it was recommended that I post here as well. Let me know if the question is off-topic and I'll remove it. I am visiting Kauai shortly and am ...
Dryden Long's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Snake dangers while hunting in the desert?

I plan to start doing some hunting in the greater southern Nevada Mojave desert (say within a 2 hour drive of Las Vegas). I know that while hiking, there is some "safety" from snakes because you are ...
Unknown Coder's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What does it mean for a caliber to be flat shooting?

Certain calibers such as the 300 Winchester Magnum are often called flat shooting. What does that mean and why would a hunter care that the caliber is flat shooting when selecting a rifle to go ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Outfitter does "game prep but not processing"

I am considering going on a guided hunt with an outfitter. This is the first time I've done hunts for game that you can stock your freezer with. I keep coming across the statement that the outfitter ...
Unknown Coder's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Does urinating from the tree stand ruin your hunt?

When you're up in the tree stand and need to urinate, is it okay to do it just from above or should one seek another solution? So, does your game somehow smell the urine and will stay away? Any other ...
OddDeer's user avatar
  • 23.5k
9 votes
2 answers

What is the easiest way to prepare a rabbit snare with minimal tools?

If I don't have much with me and I want to catch a rabbit for food, What is the easiest way to prepare a snare? What kind of knot should I use and where should I put the snare?
G.Rassovsky's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Do shotgun shells containing mixed shot sizes have any applications in hunting?

A friend of mine has a reloading shotgun machine in his basement and often makes specialty loads upon request. He is able to make shotgun shells that have mixed shot sizes of various weights. Are ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Snowshoe hare migration patterns through changing seasons

I asked this question in the Hunting BC forum but so far it hasn't received much attention. I'm very interested in the answer(s) and will cross-post any useful information. Over the last three weeks ...
tomfumb's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How can I tell if a wild bird is legally protected?

If I was out on a long hike, and I wanted to shoot a bird for supper, is there a way to find out in a very short time whether or not that species is legally protected? Sometimes you can get in trouble ...
J. Musser's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

What are the relative advantages of .308 and .30-06

As a relative newcomer to the shooting/hunting world, I am looking to buy my first big game rifle. Now, I know what rifle I want, just not what caliber to get it in. The two calibers that I am left ...
razumny's user avatar
  • 247
8 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between hiking boots and “hunting boots”?

Many (online) shops classify boots between hiking and hunting; for example, see hunting boots. The hunting boots look more like the kind of boots I like, than the hiking boots do. What are the ...
gerrit's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Top gear presenter pees on snare, why?

I was watching Top Gear last night and Richard Hammond was (supposedly) trapped on a mountain in British Columbia and had to "survive". At one point he laid a snare for rabbits on a track and said: ...
user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

What fps does a bow need to hunt moose?

I have been looking into how strong of a bow would be required to bow hunt moose. I haven't been able to find a specific number as to how many fps you should be shooting to safely hunt moose.
J Lundberg's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Skull soaking in hydrogen peroxide for days still brown

Hi there! First time poster here. 8 months ago I found a deer head in the woods. At the time it was less than 24 hours dead. So I put it in a tub and buried it in the woods. Dug it back up a few days ...
Skullenthusiast 's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Kayaking with a shotgun

I like using small boats for duck hunting. I was recently given a sit-in two-seater kayak that I have painted and I am ready to take out on the marshes. Although I have used small canoes and the ...
David's user avatar
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