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Questions tagged [swimming]

Questions related to Swimming as an outdoor activity (lesser as a Sports), safety precautions and techniques about swimming, questions related costumes (not the product recommendation ones) are to be used with this tag.

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4 votes
1 answer

How does lycra compare with neoprene gear in terms of jellyfish sting protection?

I wonder how lycra compares with neoprene gear in terms of jellyfish sting protection. (e.g., a lycra wetsuit vs. a neoprene wetsuit). Do they offer the same level of production against jellyfish ...
9 votes
3 answers

Why are swimming goggles typically made from a different material than diving masks?

As discussed in this comment section, swimming goggles are typically made from polycarbonate, while diving masks are typically made from tempered glass. Why are swimming goggles typically made from a ...
9 votes
2 answers

How can I cover all my skin (face+neck+body) while swimming outside (sea or outdoor pool) to avoid UV radiations?

What's the proper gear to cover all my skin (face+neck+body) while swimming outside (sea or outdoor pool) to avoid UV radiations? I am not looking for specific product recommendations, but instead I'd ...
12 votes
3 answers

Advice on wild swimming in Ontario, Canada

I am pretty much a newbie when it comes to wild swimming, or swimming in rivers and lakes having only went once or twice. However, I'm an avid swimmer and have participated in several swimming ...
82 votes
10 answers

What's wrong with swimming out far?

I swim decently - no pro but I can do a couple of km, resting once in awhile. Many times, both in day and night, in the warm, summer, Mediterranean sea, friends have cautioned me to "not swim so ...
2 votes
1 answer

Avoid ankle pain when wading in cold water

I launch my 12ft aluminum boat at a pebble beach in Lake Ontario, east of Toronto. Since there isn't a proper vehicle boat launch at this location, launching the boat requires wading into the water ...
42 votes
9 answers

Can a kid ever dive too deep while snorkeling and breath-hold diving?

My son has recently discovered snorkeling and diving (by holding his breath, not scuba diving or anything). He can go at least 4m (13 feet) deep to pick up nice shells he sees on the sea floor. My ...
2 votes
1 answer

Could a lamprey attack a swimmer in coastal waters around the UK?

I have seen two articles about bloodsucking lampreys in UK rivers, which warn swimmers about the risks of lamprey attacks when swimming in rivers and lakes. Our river lamprey spend their adult lives ...
24 votes
6 answers

Cold water swimming - go in quickly? or slowly?

Assume you want to do some cold water swimming, i.e. anything under 14 Centigrade (57F) water, for more than say 10 minutes (so, expressly, not a Polar Bear "dip and scoot"). What's the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Can I swim in a natural monument in Bavaria, Germany?

I passed by the pretty Kaltengrundsee in Bavaria (Germany) and it looks inviting to take a dip when the weather is hot. There's even a platform to get in or out of the water. Source: Wikimedia ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to cross a river while keeping kit (such as laptop) dry

I am in the Balkans and have befriended a refugee who intends to crossing a river as part of their route. They are a very strong swimmer, having practiced it at a competitive level. They want to take ...
12 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to swim through ocean surf?

What stroke should I use and what adjustments would I make to most efficiently swim through rough ocean and breaking waves?
0 votes
1 answer

How much UV radiation does one receive under water?

More precisely: assume one measures X mW/cm² for wavelength Y nm at the water level 0 (sea level). What's the mW/cm² for the same wavelength Y nm at water level Z? I'm most interested in UV-A and UV-B ...
0 votes
2 answers

When cave diving, if one sees an air pocket, how can one know whether the air is safe to breathe?

While cave diving, one may see air pockets. How can one know whether the air is safe to breathe?
4 votes
0 answers

Where do I keep my pull buoy during a long open-water swim?

I am going to start to do long sea swimming to train for swim run races. I have the tools but I would like to know where I keep the pull buoy if I don't want to use it and if I want to use my legs ...
1 vote
1 answer

What's the best way to train oneself to swim in open waters?

Considering that one is a very novice swimmer, it's challenging to even do sporting activities in the water without a life jacket. I'm looking for ways one can build more resilience and stamina with ...
3 votes
1 answer

Swimming with scuba diving egg?

I was using a 'waterproof' pouch bag to store my keys and documents while swimming. Well, it was waterproof until because of wear (after a few uses) I've got a small punctation in the edge, and ...
6 votes
1 answer

Flashlight for night open water swimming

My swimming season ended for me when it's dark before I manage to get out of work, eat something and get to the beach. I'd like to continue swimming, but I want to see where I swim and be seen. What ...
6 votes
4 answers

How dangerous is swimming fully dressed in cotton/denim clothes?

There is a recent question What material is a good alternative to neoprene? one of the comments to an answer says: whole suit filled up with water I might be taking it out of context, but as I ...
20 votes
4 answers

Surfacing out of a sunken ship/submarine - Survival Tips

Here is a scary scenario: Let's say you were in a ship or submarine that sunk to the bottom of the ocean. No scuba gear, no oxygen tank, nothing. The depth of the ocean is such that nitrogen ...
8 votes
4 answers

Dangers of swimming with algae (potentially Eurasian Watermilfoil)

I took my first lake swim recently and found my lake has a fair amount algae, which bothered me more than I expected it too. After some limited research, I found someone saying that it's Eurasian ...
5 votes
3 answers

Can a floating foam pad be used as a cottage swim platform?

At Ontario cottages, it's normal to see a small floating wooden dock tethered a little distance from shore to use as a "swim platform". Kids swim over to it, then can jump in and splash and ...
2 votes
3 answers

Extending SUP leash for swimming

I'd like to swim a bit to cool down when SUPing, but I've been already in an awkward situation when I've underestimated wind - the board was quite away from me after a while and I've got to swim fast ...
3 votes
3 answers

The most effective swimming technique in SUP dry suit?

If I fell into water in my SUP dry suit and I need to catch my board, or swim to the coast, which technique is the most effective? I've found it very hard to crawl because of the buoyancy of the suit. ...
3 votes
1 answer

The thickest neoprene suit for swimming?

What is the thickest available neoprene suit appropriate for swimming? I have a swim suit marked 2/3/4 mm. I don't know which is where, but it was OK as long as the water was about 15 grad, and below ...
9 votes
2 answers

Divers deliberately breathing fast before diving into water

I have seen a few divers who practiced breathing fast before a dive. What good does it do? Does deliberate/forced hyperventilation help to hold breathe over long time? Is there a connection in the ...
2 votes
5 answers

How dangerous is it to swim in the Amazon river?

I have a long term dream of visiting the Amazon rainforest. I have been trying to determine how dangerous it is to swim in the Amazon river. I realise it is a large river, with various side channels - ...
3 votes
1 answer

Must people shower after swimming in a lake?

When going swimming in a lake, is there any danger in not showering after? Generally I would shower if there were a lot of other people swimming and the lake was small. And if there was run-off from ...
4 votes
1 answer

In a river with light traffic, while swimming its length, how to be better seen by boats?

I try to look forward and flip to my back to look backward every five or so strokes, but my goggles eventually fog up. It's hard to see boats unless I'm constantly stopping to clean out my goggles. ...
0 votes
0 answers

How good swimmer does one need to swim across the Saltstraumen? [duplicate]

I have just read a story from Facebook from someone who has just swum across the Saltstraumen. How good swimmer does one need to be in order to make it across in time?
21 votes
8 answers

What are the dangers of swimming in natural waters?

What are the dangers of swimming in natural bodies of water? In essence I would like to know about all types of waters, but I am mostly interested in sea because it is most relevant to me. Like many ...
19 votes
2 answers

How to estimate distances while at sea?

While kayaking or swimming out in the open waters, it is quite important to be able to judge distances accurately before attempting to get from one point to another, such as from island to island. ...
7 votes
2 answers

What is the best stroke for swimming in rapids aggressively?

So I know that most swimming in rapids should be defensive, on your back feet together and pointed downstream. However, there are times you need some good aggressive swimming to get to an eddie or out ...
19 votes
2 answers

Swimming while in the high seas

When sailing, can the passengers of the yacht safely go swimming while in the open seas? That is, when some miles away from the coast-line.
16 votes
4 answers

How to estimate current speed and direction while swimming at sea?

In an episode in the tv series "I shouldn't be alive", crew members of a yacht racing team got caught in a violent storm and found themselves stranded in the Gulf of Mexico after their boat capsized. ...
2 votes
3 answers

Male swimming attire that can be worn under clothing

(Use case: A hike to heated waters--hiking with only swimwear for lower attire is not an option.) I find most swimwear is not exactly suitable for wearing under clothing, speedos would work but I'm ...
6 votes
3 answers

In case of a tsunami, would swimming out to sea be an escape strategy?

Several times I have been in locations where tsunami risks are either actively signaled or self-evident. Lima where I am right now has long beaches dominated by cliffs with exit routes about every km....
1 vote
2 answers

What is the proper way to use a sauna? [closed]

I thought that, according to what I've read from the web, people alternate between sauna and swimming. I tried to do that but people thought that I was in trouble. I posted the whole experience to a ...
14 votes
4 answers

How to get out through surf in fins?

I got myself some short fins since as a fairly weak swimmer especially in my legs I wanted a bit more confidence and power when swimming in the sea. However one basic problem I've encountered - how ...
16 votes
4 answers

Technique for swimming with fins?

I recently bought some fins... Short, much stiffer than some fins used by divers these are more aimed at surfing. I can feel they make me faster but am struggling with technique. I feel I'm fighting ...
8 votes
1 answer

Open water swimming, apnea or regular wet suit?

As I scuba dive a lot I tend to see a lot of people swimming in open water, some seem to choose to have a regular wetsuit, and some seem to use an apnea wetsuit. Fresh or salt water, I've seen a mix ...
3 votes
1 answer

Plus size wet suits?

I know its rather ironic but I'm a big guy that enjoys open water swimming. I'd like to do more of it in order to help myself with my waistline. I swim in the Pacific so I need a wetsuit. I'm looking ...
27 votes
5 answers

How to transport personal belongings while swimming long distance?

What is common way how to transport personal belongings while swimming? I am talking about scenario when I need to cross a lake by swimming. I would like to take my stuff (wallet, cell phone, shorts, ...
11 votes
3 answers

Best sun protection for swimming

When I am going swimming in the pool my skin gets tanned due to sun. Which SPF value is suitable for my purpose? Should I go for some specific ingredient, so that the lotion won't dissolve in water? ...
9 votes
2 answers

Where can I take a dip?

It's rather warm outside (32.6°C or 91 F) and I'd like to go for a swim. Having lived in The Netherlands and Sweden, I'm used to living near lakes and the fact that any surface water is by default ...
5 votes
2 answers

Avoid swimming into climbing plants/creepers

As far as I know there is a danger of swimming into "climbing plants/creebers" in lakes. This can bring you in an extremely dangerous situation where you tangle up more and more cause you panic. Am ...
4 votes
2 answers

What feeling should I expect when swimming in 5°C (41°F) water?

I will have a trip by the end of this month to a northern country to "escape the heat" where I live in, and I would definitely want to do some swimming at some best beaches there. The expected water ...
62 votes
15 answers

How can I take keys with me while swimming?

I was recently crossing a lake that is commonly used for swimming and recreation. When I was swimming back to the shore, I was constantly nervous that my bag would be stolen, along with the keys in it....
11 votes
2 answers

How do I make sure my cliff-diving location is safe?

I like cliff-diving, but I am always scared that there might be a rock hidden in the water. If it is a popular spot, then I just trust that someone has already done the work, but what if I am going ...
10 votes
5 answers

Swimming across a strong current

Recently I had been to a hike where I had to cross quite a large stream. And I am not so good at swimming either. So after judging the possible depth, I could figure out that I can get across swimming ...