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Questions tagged [swimming]

Questions related to Swimming as an outdoor activity (lesser as a Sports), safety precautions and techniques about swimming, questions related costumes (not the product recommendation ones) are to be used with this tag.

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17 votes
2 answers

What should one do when get a cramp while swimming?

I'm not a really good swimmer. While swimming casually, when I get a cramp in my thighs or toes, it definitely makes me panic a bit and hampers my swimming in a bad way. What should I be doing if I ...
WedaPashi's user avatar
  • 31.7k
62 votes
15 answers

How can I take keys with me while swimming?

I was recently crossing a lake that is commonly used for swimming and recreation. When I was swimming back to the shore, I was constantly nervous that my bag would be stolen, along with the keys in it....
Bruder Lustig's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

What's that stinging feeling when I swim in the sea?

When I swim in the sea around Singapore, I get stinging/prickling/electric sensations on my skin in certain areas of the water sometimes. There aren't any visible creatures nearby. What are these? ...
Andrew Tan's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How dangerous is swimming fully dressed in cotton/denim clothes?

There is a recent question What material is a good alternative to neoprene? one of the comments to an answer says: whole suit filled up with water I might be taking it out of context, but as I ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
58 votes
10 answers

How does water depth affect swimming safety? Why do signs, especially in the UK, say "DANGER: deep water"?

In many UK lakes, I see signs prohibiting swimming with the explanation DANGER: Deep water. This link contains an example. I don't understand those signs. Why is a 30 metre deep lake more dangerous ...
gerrit's user avatar
  • 27.4k
51 votes
7 answers

How to safely rescue someone drowning as an untrained bystander?

Motivated by a comment thread in this question here. As far as I know the consensus basically boils down to: It is very hard rescuing someone who is drowning. It can be very dangerous rescuing a ...
fgysin's user avatar
  • 13.3k
13 votes
2 answers

Swimming in a river in England or Wales with a right of navigation

Some of the rivers in England and Wales are designated as having a "Right of Navigation". I understand that this is typically interpreted as meaning that you can travel along it in a boat or vessel. I'...
CaptainProg's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How can I cover all my skin (face+neck+body) while swimming outside (sea or outdoor pool) to avoid UV radiations?

What's the proper gear to cover all my skin (face+neck+body) while swimming outside (sea or outdoor pool) to avoid UV radiations? I am not looking for specific product recommendations, but instead I'd ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Why are swimming goggles typically made from a different material than diving masks?

As discussed in this comment section, swimming goggles are typically made from polycarbonate, while diving masks are typically made from tempered glass. Why are swimming goggles typically made from a ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How does lycra compare with neoprene gear in terms of jellyfish sting protection?

I wonder how lycra compares with neoprene gear in terms of jellyfish sting protection. (e.g., a lycra wetsuit vs. a neoprene wetsuit). Do they offer the same level of production against jellyfish ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Struggling with Muscle cramps when in water [closed]

I am not a very good swimmer. I don't swim regularly either. When I swim and relax for an less than an hour, I start getting cramps, specifically in Toes. What could be the reason?
WedaPashi's user avatar
  • 31.7k