Questions tagged [swiss-army-knife]

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6 votes
4 answers

What is the use of the saw blade on a swiss knife?

I've been using the Victorinox Swiss knife for a long time now. One thing that has baffled me is the saw blade on most of their multi-tools. The saw is around 2-3 inches long (depending on the model). ...
Ricketyship's user avatar
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How to clean and refurbish a Victorinox Swiss Army Knife?

I have an old Swiss Army Knife on which I can only open one blade; the rest are locked in place. How should I clean this, and is there anything else I should do to refurbish it, like oiling, after I ...
compton's user avatar
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6 answers

What is this tool on a Swiss Army knife for?

I have this tool on a few Swiss Army knives (though I think I've seen it on other multi-tools as well). What is it and what is it for? On one edge, it has a sharp edge. It also only opens halfway (as ...
Scribblemacher's user avatar