Suppose I get one of those text messages, like the Icelandic authorities send to travellers: > ...Wind gusts could reach speeds that are known for blowing cars off the road and even pulling up the tarmac! 45-50 m/s, 112 mph or 180 km/h can be expected in some areas!... Suppose I've been out for a long time already, and this system was too far away when I left. And suppose I'm here: [![Svartakvísl, central Iceland][1]][1] Svartakvísl, central Iceland. Nowhere to hide. No building within 24 hour walking. No caves. I might be able to reach a canyon, but I have no clue if that's a safe place to hide. Perhaps it will funnel the wind, or perhaps the wind may be associated with flash floods or landslides. What can I do to be OK? Is this a moment to call for emergency helicopter rescue (obviously BEFORE the storm hits)? NB: I have read **, but that question talks about 25 m/s winds. I might consider sheltering in a very good and very well-pitched tent in 25 m/s wind gusts. Not so when wind gusts may be up to 50 m/s. I am not confident the answers there are wise for winds such as presently occurring in Iceland. [1]: