On my hiking trips, I mostly sleep in my tent, but occasionally I appreciate to have a roof.  Mostly by chance, I've found on my trips a number of free and open huts in Norway that are not owned by [Den Norske Turistforening (DNT)](http://www.turistforeningen.no/) (the Norwegian Tourist Association).  They tend to be far away from where most people hike.  I've never seen one occupied and browsing through guestbooks usually reveals an occupation of less than 20 nights per year.  They're marked on the map, but from the map it's not possible to tell the difference between private and locked cabins (hunting and fishing associations have quite a few of these), available to the public at a fee (usually by fetching the key in the nearest village in advance), or unlocked and free to use.  Some free-to-use ones that I've discovered, all by chance, are:

* [Havgahytta](http://www.ishavskysten.no/no/cabins/ssk_Havgahytta.html), owned by *Reindriftsforvaltninga*, i.e. the reindeer herding organisation.
* [Ragohytta](http://www.godtur.no/godtur/nyartikkel/dbarticle_preview.aspx?id=4488), very high up in [Rago Nasjonalpark](http://english.dirnat.no/attachment.ap?id=2908) [PDF], owned by — I think — the national park agency
* [Heggedalshytta](http://www.lommekjent.no/ruter/1761478), owned by *Statskog*, the national forest agency.
* [Tarhalshytta](http://ut.no/hytte/tarhalshytta), owned — I believe — by Hammerfest kommun.  Picture below.

![Tarhalshytta on Sørøya][1]
<br />Tarhalshytta on Sørøya, with the Barents Sea

For Statskog I have found an overview of open huts [here](http://issuu.com/statskog/docs/oversikt_statskogs__pne_buer_og_koier2) [PDF], but that's only one of the agencies.  Is there any resource on the web that collects — perhaps by users contributing — an overview of such freely available huts?

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/4WxON.jpg