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24 votes

How do you refill your alcohol stove while it's burning?

I'm going with "it's too dangerous, so don't do it". I have two manufactured alcohol stoves, and both contain warnings against refill while hot. That being said, my answer is "You don't". Pictured (...
Andrew Jay's user avatar
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22 votes

How can I measure pack volume?

Put a large trash bag (bin liner) into your bag. (Double bag it if you feel the need.) Fill the trash bag with water, either using a measured container to fill it until you reach the top of your bag, ...
user3067860's user avatar
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21 votes

How can I fix joint between shoulder strap and chest strap?

One solution, if you don't need the strap to be adjustable along the piping (vertically), is to remove the plastic clip and sew the chest strap to the shoulder strap, in the right place for you. Any ...
njzk2's user avatar
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19 votes

Why is oilcloth made with linseed oil?

Linseed oil is used because it's a drying oil, A drying oil is an oil that hardens to a tough, solid film after a period of exposure to air. The oil hardens through a chemical reaction in which the ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
17 votes

How do you refill your alcohol stove while it's burning?

You don't, adding liquid fuel to stove with a live flame is never recommended. Related meta post Do we want a post notice for questions where people are using equipment in ways that are clearly ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
13 votes

How can I fix joint between shoulder strap and chest strap?

Those clips do come off, and in many designs you'd be able to thread them back on from the end. It is possible to clip them back on though. The way I've found works is to gently prise open one end ...
Chris H's user avatar
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12 votes

Applying enough heat (120 ° C) to shrinking tube without damaging the fletching

A direct flame isn't a good way to set heat shrink tube as the flame is much too hot, making it very difficult to apply heat evenly without just melting the tube. The ideal thing is a hot air gun. ...
Chris Johns's user avatar
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12 votes

How can I disassemble a multi-tool with no screws on it?

The tool pictured is riveted together with solid rivets. It is not designed to be repaired, as mentioned in a comment, if it is not working correctly it should be disposed of and replaced. It is ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
11 votes

How can I build a board to mount climbing holds in my house?

Typically, using 3/4" (19mm) plywood board is strong enough for this use. And the bolts you want are 3/4" (19mm) plus enough each end to screw into the hold and to accept a nut. Bolts used for most ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
  • 25.1k
11 votes

Just how dangerous is it to refill fuel canisters?

You almost certainly won't be able to find propane/butane/isobutane mixes for refilling. I'm pretty sure you'll only find pure propane and the backpacking LPG stoves are made to be the most efficient ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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10 votes

How to find natural sulfur sources?

If you are very lucky, there are rich natural sulfur deposits readily available nearby. An example of such a place is Indonesia and Eastern Java, where blocks of Sulfur can basically be picked up like ...
fgysin's user avatar
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9 votes

How can I build a board to mount climbing holds in my house?

You will need to counter sink (fostner) the nut (bottom right) on the back side (because it will be up against the wall). A drill press would be nice. Or space the board from the wall. Any solid ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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9 votes

Just how dangerous is it to refill fuel canisters?

I'll focus on your final statement "So this question is purely environmental". As such my answer will be purely environmental and not on safety which I am unqualified to answer. If you are ...
noah's user avatar
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9 votes

Just how dangerous is it to refill fuel canisters?

What this post is NOT: This post is not promotion or propagation of cartridge refilling. I do NOT promote cartridge refilling and I do not do it myself. I do NOT claim it is a safe practice. Safety ...
Vladimir F Героям слава's user avatar
8 votes

What type of rope should I use to make a 1.5" Gym Climbing rope?

Yes, it's very common to braid a fast rope for climbing out of old rock climbing rope, however the key word there is old. You would typically use whatever retired climbing rope you can get your hands ...
David Scarlett's user avatar
8 votes

How to process iron in the wilderness?

Iron ore is called hematite. It's pretty simple to identify, just look for red rocks that appear to be rusting. Iron is the 4th most abundant element on earth, so it's pretty common in most areas. ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
  • 53.7k
8 votes

What to look for in a quality archery target?

Stopping power The target should be strong enough to stop arrows reliably. It's better to work with a good margin here, especially if the target is used with different arrows (carbon tend to have a ...
fgysin's user avatar
  • 13.3k
8 votes

Do Bee Hotels/Houses actually work?

This study (‘Bee Hotels’ as Tools for Native Pollinator Conservation: A Premature Verdict?) conducted on nearly 300 be hotels over three years in Toronto, Canada suggests that more introduced bees and ...
wanderweeer's user avatar
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8 votes

Is there clay soil in the Adirondacks suitable for earthen primitive building?

I read the question more as "Does what I want exist here?" rather than "Is the stuff here going to be good enough quality?" So my answer was initially in that light. OP shows in comment that what was ...
Loduwijk's user avatar
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8 votes

What can I do to be more visible to other ships’ radar when traveling in a sea kayak?

It looks like radar reflectors will not hurt but they aren't great either. The bigger and higher they are the better, which is easier to do on a sailboat than a sea kayak. According to one study, a ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
7 votes

What are the pro and cons of vacuum sealed vs mylar bags for DIY dehydrated foods?

Mylar bags vs. Vacuum sealed. Pro. durability (in general, it depends; thickness is varying); you can pour inside boiled water without additional wares; more thermal isolation and great sun ...
Les's user avatar
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7 votes

Making a compass from magnet and needle -- which end is north?

Having watched what I believe to be the episode of the program in question (and if not, it was something very similar), I would say that in my recollection the specific direction of travel was not ...
sharur's user avatar
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7 votes

How to process iron in the wilderness?

The simplest way of smelting iron is a bloomery furnace. This is essentially a beehive shaped structure, covered in clay and containing alternating layers of charcoal and iron ore with openings top ...
Chris Johns's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I make an obsidian knife?

You have to chip it. Primitive hand axes were very slowly and carefully shaped using another stone to chip away at the tool bit by bit until the desired shape was achieved. They were then sharpened ...
ShemSeger's user avatar
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7 votes

When building a penny stove how do you keep the cans from splitting?

From We now need to crimp the edge of the base can so it fits inside the top can, with your pliers go around the edge of the can, grip ...
Loduwijk's user avatar
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7 votes

How do you refill your alcohol stove while it's burning?

This is dangerous And the most dangerous thing about it - is that it gives the appearance of not being dangerous. Don't refill a lit alcohol stove without being aware that it could become a fireball ...
Stian's user avatar
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7 votes

What can I do to be more visible to other ships’ radar when traveling in a sea kayak?

Allow me to turn your question on its head a bit. Making yourself more visible to large vessels is a good idea, not being where they need you to be visible is a great idea. Stay away from channels, ...
cobaltduck's user avatar
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7 votes

Can I use a glass mason jar or an empty tin can as a DIY cooking pot?

Glass labware is borosilicate glass, commonly known as pyrex. Glass cookware is often also borosilicate, but the name "pyrex" is also used for tempered glass products, at least in the USA. ...
Chris H's user avatar
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6 votes

How can I disassemble a multi-tool with no screws on it?

Disassembly is the easy part. Drill out the rivets. Reassembly will be a big problem.
paparazzo's user avatar
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6 votes

What kind of foot pump would I need to build a DIY camping sink?

I've used the "primer bulb pump with check valve" before and it worked great. It's made for boat outboard motors. It comes in a few hose sizes. Do you have a marina or boat supply store near ...
Kimball's user avatar
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