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Easiest way to preserve a fishing catch - with cooking or pickling

SALT Before refrigeration salt was the primary means of preserving fish. As you mention in your question filleting them is a a good first step, they should also be dried to reduce the amount of salt ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
3 votes

How to clean and cook Asian Carp

Here's a decent video detailing just how to do it: Basically filet it like any other fish. Remove the "dark meat" that is pungent and distasteful. Then remove the row of spines. Taste tests ...
That Idiot's user avatar
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How to clean and cook Asian Carp

I heard a news story about a year ago about some group along the Mississippi River that was catching these carp and processing them for human consumption. I wish I could give more details. They ...
Janet's user avatar
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When to kill and bleed a fish

I kayak fish and do it this way: catch fish cut through the "throat" by putting the fish on its back (belly up), inserting a knife through one gill opening to the other, and then cutting "upward" to ...
DanD's user avatar
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When to kill and bleed a fish

Bleeding really only needs to be done for fish that have really bloody meat. These fish are often "athlete fish" such as Jacks or Tunas. From what it sounds like you are going to be fishing in ...
Bullbuster's user avatar
2 votes

How to clean and cook Asian Carp

There's an excellent Asian method. These directions are for a good size carp. Buy 1 short 3/4 inch thick coco lumber, 3 inch wide board. Some places have it in a scrap box. Shape it like a flat hair ...
J Bergen's user avatar
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Ikejime: Effectively hit the entire central nerve of the fish's spine

The goal of this technique is to avoid a bad flavor of the meat that comes from certain chemicals released into muscles. Bleeding the fish out is just an additional step. The key of the technique you ...
Peter1807's user avatar
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When to kill and bleed a fish

There's no need to bleed your trout mate. Unless you're planning on freezing it and eating it at a later date, or curing it in the off season to eat at a later date. If you plan to eat your trout ...
jez 's user avatar
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When to kill and bleed a fish

It is better to have an idea what to do with the fish rather than spoil a life. The kill method you mentioned is the ikejime method (). Ikejime is just a fancy Japanese word for sticking a sharp ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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