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5 votes

Can ocean/saltwater fishing gear be used for freshwater/lake fishing?

It will be fine. There is no issue going from salt to fresh. Usually saltwater gear includes lines and tackles that are supposed to catch bigger fish deeper in the ocean so you should probably try the ...
Stian's user avatar
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4 votes

Can ocean/saltwater fishing gear be used for freshwater/lake fishing?

Should work fine if he is set up for smaller fish. Even a set up for large fish would work but you would need to put a light line on it. Saltwater reel is designed to withstand the corrosive effects ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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3 votes

Can ocean/saltwater fishing gear be used for freshwater/lake fishing?

Yes they will work but may not be ideal from a professional standpoint, for recreational fishing that you are not overly serious about it will work fine. The major difference is that generally ...
Nate W's user avatar
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What is this top guide hole on my fishing rod?

I was talking to the original owner, he thinks the guide hole must have spun. I used a lighter to heat up the glue and removed it. I will be gluing it back on later.
Jeff's user avatar
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2 votes

Reel locks when reeling in then bail flips open. What am I doing wrong?

Although the video provided to illustrate your issue was short, it appeared to me that spinning reel in question is a Pflueger President? But I could be wrong. I understand wanting the bail to close ...
Andrew Nguyen's user avatar
2 votes

Where in USA can I buy high end telescopic surf rods for fishing?

Not a very specific answer but I can share that I've noticed friends who are big on (fly) fishing purchasing direct-from-maker for high end or specialized equipment, whether domestically or ...
cr0's user avatar
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Ice fishing: ice rods, jigs and tipups explained

An ice rod and reel are the basic components you need for fishing (well, you could use a hand line...) This consists of a fishing rod and a reel usually with line and hooks and sinkers attached. An ...
bob1's user avatar
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2 votes

How to achieve tension in fishing line?

Try a little more weight. Get a Leatherman pliers/knife combination and some weights to test some things. You can obtain pinch-on lead weights that can be quickly attached to your line with your ...
uruiamme's user avatar
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2 votes

Angle of fishing rod holder for dock

Usually those are ~45 degree angle 'cause if it was just straight up - your line would be flapping too close to the dock and usually you want to reach out a bit. On other hand if it was angled ...
BrownT's user avatar
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1 vote

What's inside this fishing reel?

The metal tab is called the click tongue, and the spring holds the click tongue against a sprocket on the reel spindle. Together they are responsible for the clicking sound a reel makes when line is ...
That Idiot's user avatar
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How to release the line from a pre-spooled reel on a newly purchased Ugly Stik fishing rod?

The grey triangular thing is a line keeper to keep the line tidy when you do not have the rod set up. Typically you would hold the working end (aka tag end) of the line in one hand and give a wrap ...
That Idiot's user avatar
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Ice fishing: ice rods, jigs and tipups explained

Ice fishing: ice rods, jigs and tipups explained Just a few basic tips about ice fishing up here in Canada. The line going into the water does not have to be long because generally fish will swim just ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Sea fishing rod all rounder

For anything surf or pier fishing I would recommend at least a 9 ft pole for casting far. I'm a big fan of Shimano Terez rods.
Deano's user avatar
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Sea fishing rod all rounder

For extremely similar purposes here in Florida I use a 7 ft. medium heavy rod with a spinning reel that can handle 12-30lb test line and lure weights in the 1/2 to 2oz range. Use the same rods/reels ...
ivanivan's user avatar
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