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12 votes

Grigri+ vs grigri 2

I have used both Grigri devices (the older one much more often than the new one), but I own neither. So I can answer at least most of your questions: have you used this device? I have used it a few ...
anderas's user avatar
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11 votes

Difficulty belaying with a Gri Gri

This is a known problem for the GriGri, especially the newer version GriGri2. The GriGri2 is compatible with rope diameters of 8.9-11mm. The old one officially supports 10-11mm diameter, however is ...
imsodin's user avatar
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7 votes

Are there GriGri-like devices that support auto belay rather than assisted belay?

In general: No. While some devices use mechanisms that can be different from the Grigri (in some cases radically different, such as the Wild Country Revo), all current sports climbing devices ...
anderas's user avatar
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7 votes

Using Gri Gri 2 as a Self Belaying Device

We used GriGri extensively at my local wall for groups, route setting and emergency rescue in the wall. The key issue is that like a car seat belt a GriGri needs inertia to fire it - a sudden jerk. ...
Byte Insight's user avatar
7 votes

What are known failure modes of the auto-braking mechanism of Grigris?

There are several scenarios but they all boil down to not using the brake hand but instead hoping the device will catch or improperly sized ropes. 1) with super-skinny ropes; 2) an extremely ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
6 votes

Grigri+ vs grigri 2

I own a Grigri1 and a Grigri+, and I'm used to the Grigri2 too. To me Grigri+ is better. Positives: new materials, improved casing, no sharp edges, anti-panic handle, greater range of ropes can be ...
Mars's user avatar
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5 votes

Using Gri Gri 2 as a Self Belaying Device

I have done this before, and it not all that different from jugging up a rope. What you will want to do it to attach the knots (typically a figure eight on a bight) to your belay loop with a locking ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
5 votes

Why is it acceptable to belay from above with a grigri but not using the same movement from below?

I think it's more a question of positioning than anything. If you're belaying from below with your arm/hand above, in the event of a fall, the main muscle working on putting tension on the cam is the ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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4 votes

Why is it acceptable to belay from above with a grigri but not using the same movement from below?

Specifically for a Grigri, there is nothing immediately unsafe about belaying like this as the camming action of the device is what holds a climber in a fall. The issue (apart from the comfort of the ...
Darren's user avatar
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4 votes

Why do the GriGri and rope tie into different points on a rock climbing harness?

Most harnesses allow you to either tie into your belay loop or through the two loops the belay loop goes through. This does not really matter. The belay loop is tested with 15kN in the norm: (Source: ...
Manziel's user avatar
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4 votes

Why do the GriGri and rope tie into different points on a rock climbing harness?

It does depend on the type of harness. Some don’t have separate tie-in points, particularly entry level harnesses used by indoor walls. Harnesses are built to be bomb-proof where it matters and a ...
Darren's user avatar
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3 votes

What are known failure modes of the auto-braking mechanism of Grigris?

To add to Charlie's answer, a big mistake would be to hold it improperly. Specifically, if you hold the bottom of the Gri Gri you can actually prevent the auto-braking to engage. And especially when a ...
Ice76's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do the GriGri and rope tie into different points on a rock climbing harness?

It is a question of design, rather than safety: You could make a safe harness with some other combination of loops for tying in and belaying, but the current combination is familiar and has some ...
Sakari Cajanus's user avatar
2 votes

Recommended carabiner for belaying with Grigri and Giga Jul?

The manufacturers give these recommendations: Device Technical info diagram text Petzl GriGri Why this choice? The D shape helps resist carabiner rotation. There is only one device to attach, ...
iacobo's user avatar
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1 vote

Why do the GriGri and rope tie into different points on a rock climbing harness?

Other answers are good and one thing I would like to mention is ergonomics. Thing about which way the grigri would face if was also clipped into the tie-in-points. The grigri would be sideways (that ...
Kevin Crum's user avatar
1 vote

Are there GriGri-like devices that support auto belay rather than assisted belay?

Just to go into the most commonly used device for this, Rock Exotica silent partner- the rope is secured to the ground (and the top), and clove hitched to a spinning drum on the device. The drum ...
adeadhead's user avatar
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