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12 votes

What to do if someone gets impaled in the stomach?

To quote from the Wilderness First Responder manual, Large objects found impaled in a wound should be left in place if you can get to a medical facility with relative ease. Yanking on an object can ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
7 votes

What should I do when I find a dying dog?

If I had a 22lr and if it was legal, I would consider putting it out of its misery with that, otherwise you did the correct thing. When there is no practical way to save it, and you only risk injury ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
6 votes

How to tape torn skin to continue climbing?

Been there done that, I would just wrap a smaller width piece of climber's tape around the finger and then take extra care to smooth the end down as usually, that's where it starts to come unraveled. ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
6 votes

How can I care for a wound that will be immersed in water?

Water tight is subject to lots of variable. As you mention just staying out of the water is the least risk. There are Waterproof Transparent Dressings, a good example is Nexcare™ Tegaderm™ Waterproof ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
5 votes

Where should a band be tied to stop bleeding from wound?

To the direct question, as indicated in other answers, tourniquets are placed towards the torso from the site of injury. There's been a major initiative in the US known as "Stop the Bleed." You'll ...
Matthew Wetmore's user avatar
5 votes

Internal (unseen) damage from a 40ft climbing fall

Doctors are not omniscient. They miss things. Some are sedentary, and they don't understand how important a full recovery is to an athletic person. Everyone, when going to a doc, needs to think ...
ab2's user avatar
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5 votes

Internal (unseen) damage from a 40ft climbing fall

A mostly non-medical answer. If you live in the United States (US) and you have health insurance. You can be relatively sure that the medical and legal communities both agree there there is very ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
4 votes

How to tape torn skin to continue climbing?

I have found that the best way to handle calluses ripping off is prevention. Once one rips off, it is often painful to climb on even if you tape it properly. If you do need to tape, wrap tightly ...
Qudit's user avatar
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4 votes

Fatalities per billion hours spent snowboarding or skiing?

There are a couple of papers, for which the abstract gives you fatality rates for ski slopes in a pretty obvious manner, I don't think these distinguish between snowboarding and skiing, though ref 2. ...
bob1's user avatar
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2 votes

Hiking with a minor wound near the knee?

Of course, it depends on the specifics. On a general level, here are some points to think about: During hiking, you don't really bend the knees that much. It's only the steep parts where you need to ...
anatolyg's user avatar
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2 votes

What can I do to help relieve joint pain in fingers after climbing?

I have found that doing 4 weeks at the climbing gym followed by 10 days at the normal gym has reduced my injuries and improved other aspects of my climbing, also posture, cardio and flexibility. The ...
Vulcanlovegrip's user avatar
2 votes

How can I care for a wound that will be immersed in water?

I've had this happen on trips a lot. (You take 20 teenage males into the bush...) There aren't that many pathogens that thrive on people. Your biggest problem is not the lake, but the sleeping bag. ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
1 vote

How to treat shin splints while backpacking

Compression sleeves work really well. In addition I would add stretches for your calves and arches. Carry lacrosse ball to roll out under your foot and lower leg muscles, especially if you get shin ...
Narine's user avatar
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