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6 votes

Are there vines in nature that are naturally capable of being a whip, rope or string?

The answer is yes, there are vines that do one or more of the things you want, and people in the (far) past have used them as such. In the right time of the year brambles, the vines blackberries grow ...
Willeke's user avatar
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5 votes

Fer-de-Lance bite. emergency treatment in remote location: Administer anti-venin ASAP or check for allergic reaction to serum first?

As noted by @bob1 in the comments, the snake in question was likely Bothrops asper in the OP's incident, not Bothrops lanceolatus that the journal article here is about. But I'll keep this bit, and ...
Jon Custer's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there vines in nature that are naturally capable of being a whip, rope or string?

This answer gives mostly only background to your question, but it is too interesting not to post, IMO. From Low Tech Magazine: The earliest fossilized fragments of ropes and knots date back 15,000 to ...
ab2's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there vines in nature that are naturally capable of being a whip, rope or string?

<Not speaking from experience - I've used various natural materials but none for a rope.> Clematis vitalba. source: wikipedia Not flexible enough to make conventional knots but with some effort ...
Vorac's user avatar
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