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Use this tage for questions relating to the use of slingshot(s) or catapult type weapons in an outdoor context (e.g. hunting, sport shooting, etc.)

A slingshot or slingshut (claimed to be primarily American but not known to ever be used in any dialect), catapult (primarily British English for a different device of a different design and purpose), shanghai[a] or ging (primarily Australian and New Zealand), kattie (in South Africa), bean shooter, or flip or tirador, is normally a small hand-powered projectile weapon. The classic form consists of a Y-shaped frame held in the off hand, with two natural-rubber strips attached to the uprights. The other ends of the strips lead back to a pocket that holds the projectile. The dominant hand grasps the pocket and draws it back to the desired extent to provide power for the projectile - up to a full span of the arm with sufficiently long bands.


Use this tag for questions relating to slingshot type weapons in a hunting of outdoors context.