I am reading an entry in a French dictionary and translating it into English. This entry is “sauvegarde.” In a general context, this term is translated as “safeguard,” “protection,” or even “conservation.” However, in the context of the navy, the definition essentially says, “Rope for holding something.”
Now, my knowledge of the navy is sorely lacking, but I am reasonably confident that “safeguard” is not the word that goes with that definition. My research indicates that there are a dozen terms for the different types of rope used on a ship, such as “line,” “rigging,” and so on.
The dictionary does provide a few examples, which are “Sauvegarde de gouvernail” and “Sauvegarde d’aviron.” I am not entirely sure about this, but I think that the two examples translate to “Rudder line” and “Oar line,” respectively. I have seen pictures showing ropes or chains attached to the rudder for steering purposes, but the only thing that I can find for ropes and oars is a reference to wrapping ropes around oars.
What is the word that matches the above definition?