I've recently switched from using a tent to using a tarp, and on the whole I'm really enjoying it, however there is one thing I haven't solved.
How do people deal with situations where the wind switches ninety degrees in the night and suddenly starts howling through your tarp, making it a wind tunnel? Obviously being aware of dominant winds / likely localised-weather-effects helps in deciding which direction to pitch in, and finding a sheltered spot is a no brainer, but what about when pragmatism fails? Bear in mind I'm pitching using the classic A-frame setup.
This has happened to me on a number of occasions and my solutions have included moving my pack to block it (only viable in low wind), dropping the windward side of the tarp to the ground(cramped) and re-pitching in the middle of the night (naked, cold wind, unpleasant).
I've read Jardine's tarp book and he suggests tarp doors, but this starts to over-complicate what is a wonderfully simple bit of gear.
So what are my options for handing switches in wind?
Note: I'm not asking how to pitch in very high winds. I would take a tent if I was camping above the tree-line. I'm talking about general pitching where there is enough wind to strip the heat from you but not enough to blow you off a cliff.