I had to tie down a tree last night since recent storms broke the guy lines I had placed when I planted it, and I used a tautline knot how-to I found online to tie it, since I was never a Scout. After reading a comment by @KRyan on a recent question, and considering my recent face-to-face with my inexperience, I started lamenting the fact that I was never a Scout. Which got me thinking: is there an organization similar to the Boy Scouts for adults who want to learn outdoorsmanship?
Edit: My country of residence is the United States. Also, googling led me to NOLS, but that seems to be a lot more intense, with semester-long courses and student loans and college credit. I'm really just looking for a weekend scouting club where I can learn how to survive and thrive outdoors.
Edit 2: I know some have suggested the military in jest, but others have done so more seriously. I have several reasons for not joining the military, but my main one is I have a family and I don't want to be away from them. That said, I'm very interested in options where both I and my daughter can participate together. As for the Boy/Girl Scouts, we're atheist and would prefer something without a religious component. Hence the OP.