You'll notice that the shoulder straps are adjustable by pulling webbing/strap through the locking slider on the front of the bottom of the padded part of the strap. It's not very likely that there is no range at which the pack will fit you.
The fact that the picture shows the strap lifting up off the shoulder a little does suggest that the wearer in this picture should tighten that lower adjustment strap a little, and it also suggests that there is no significant weight inside the pack at this time. There's probably a pillow or packing peanuts or something in it just for the photo shoot.
If the pack was packed with gear, food, water, or anything heavy, the pack's weight would ideally mostly be borne on the hips by the waist strap, and the shoulder straps mainly serve to keep the pack up straight rather than falling over sideways or falling off backwards. You can snug the straps up tight to move the load off your hipbones and onto your shoulders, but, I only do that when my hips get sore and need a 10 or 15 minute break. Then I'll loosen the shoulder load and let the pack settle onto my hips again.
You'll also see, above and behind the wearer's shoulder, another adjustment strap which controls how tightly the upper part of the pack is pulled toward the wearer's back. Again, this isn't to "fit" over the top of the curve of the shoulder, it's to hold the pack upright, so, it's not important that you see in the picture that that strap meets the pack well above the height of the wearer's shoulder. It's pulling the pack toward the front of her shoulder from above, it's not supposed to be hanging the weight of the pack off the top of her shoulder.
I don't think you need to worry about this particular pack not fitting you. It has several adjustments available and appears that it could fit quite a range of wearers. Just understand that the best fit for long hiking wear is such that the padded waist strap puts most of the load onto your hips, and the shoulder straps should hold the load above your hips up straight so it's not falling off behind or to the side and twisting at your waist. Also so that it's not shifting side-to-side and banging into your back with every step and is staying comfortably in place.