Hopefully this is acceptable. I figure this could be relevant as my bug out bag is essentially what I would bring on a camping trip (first aid, fire starters, some food, shelter materials, mess kit, survival knife, cordage, etc.) but my 'camping bag' is more of a stand-by for emergencies. So you can use substitute "bug out bag" with "camping pack" if you feel so inclined.
- How do you manage larger survival bags?
- Since I don't use it every day and don't really have time to drill with it or whatever people do, I have an Excel spreadsheet so I can remember exactly what I have and where it is (not to be used in an actual emergency)
- Also looking for improvements to current design (I know what works for some, may not work for others)
- Noticeable flaws with my design? (aside from complexity)
- Is it generally better to have a modular system (such as mine) or multiple packs for different purposes? Money is a factor else I'd have seperate bags (24 hr, 72 hour, camping, urban get home, etc)
It's supposed to be a general bag, mainly a 72-hr SHTF pack but can also double for camping.
In my spreadsheet, I have info such as:
- Categories and subcategories (e.g. Water: Purification or Water: Storage)
- Brands/Models/Description/Features/Directions (e.g. Snugpak Jungle blanket, 24"x36" rated to 36 deg F, polyester, compressed to 6"x6")
- Item weight (in 0.00lbs) so I can track the overall net weight of the bag (using a postal scale)
- Expiration dates if applicable and a field that tells if item should be replaced soon (I have set to 90 days), plus another sheet that notifies if items expire within <1 year, <6 months, and <90 days which I aim to compress to one spreadsheet
- Item $ cost (for personal reason)
- Location within bag (I'm reworking this but maybe have a picture of the bag with each compartment labeled by a number, maybe with a color and buy the colored dots used for yard sales to I know where each item goes)
- Retailer (with link if applicable) where I purchased said item (for replacement or additional feature descriptions
A bit overkill but so far works. Does anyone else do something like this? Aside from not doing it, and I know most people don't do this, I'm looking for improvements/alternatives to make it easier.
My Current Setup:
- I'm using two bags: A 5.11 Tactical RUSH 24 main bag with the RUSH tier system attaching a 5.11 MOAB 10
- Bags are attachable to each other to create one large pack
- One bag is more of a 24-hr pack, the other is a compliment to make it into a 72-hr pack