A stopper knot is often used to prevent rope from unexpectedly going throu some hole, such as a belay device.

How would I tie a stopper knot?


2 Answers 2


A stopper knot is not a specific knot, but a technique fo preventing a rope from sliding through a loop or hole. Common knots used for a stopper knot are:

Overhand knot

Double overhand knot

Figure-of-eight knot

Stevedore knot

Ashley's stopper knot

  • Figure-8 is the most common stopper knot on a boat, but double overhand knot is probably a good choice for a newbie, because it's very easy to learn. Single overhand knot has a tendency to jam, so it's less desirable than the others.
    – Jay Bazuzi
    Commented Jan 26, 2012 at 5:50

You need to use a figure-eight knot, because if it is weighted you can still untie it. There are lots of knots to use, but figure-eights are the most common for this reason.

Figure-eight - animated example

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