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Questions tagged [snowshoeing]

Questions about snowshoeing, i.e. hiking while wearing snowshoes. For questions focused on the equipment instead of the activity use the tag snowshoes instead.

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27 votes
4 answers

Skis versus snow shoes - when to choose which for travelling the backcountry?

When travelling the backcountry in high snow, do snow shoes or skis perform better? By "perform better" I mean how tiring and fast travel is. Is there a general answer, or does it depend on the ...
Paul Paulsen's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Why don't people in the UK use snowshoes?

I was recently in the mountains of Snowdonia in thick snow. It was about 2 foot (about 0.6m) in places. It was a lovely day just after Christmas so it was quite busy too (even a few snow boarders on ...
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