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Questions tagged [tyvek]

Tyvek is a brand of flashspun high-density polyethylene fibers, a synthetic material; the name is a registered trademark of DuPont. The material is very strong; it is difficult to tear but can easily be cut with scissors or a knife. Water vapor can pass through Tyvek, but not liquid water, the material lending itself to a variety of applications.

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2 votes
1 answer

How to lie down Tyvek as a ground sheet?

I have Tyvek 1443R and I realized I don't know which side should I put it down -- I would like that any vapor goes from above to the ground, but not from the ground up (so it will breathe out, not in)....
greenoldman's user avatar
7 votes
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Is Tyvek 44grs/m2 (Tyvek® Soft Structure Style 1443R) waterproof enough to be used as a groundsheet/footprint or tent bottom, any experience?

Has anyone practical experience with the light, soft version of Tyvek used as footprint / groundsheet or tent bottom? I like the material, used it once so far as a ground sheet (footpint) on grass ...
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8 votes
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How resistant to water is Tyvek in practice

Tyvek is labeled as "water resistant" and not "water proof", but I'd really love to know how much is the fabric resistant to water in practice. Some people built tarps or even tents out of it, but I ...
Dakatine's user avatar
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Where can I get Tyvek maps?

I'd like to get some Tyvek maps, both topographical maps and regular street maps of a few U.S. cities. Where can I get these?
Mr.Wizard's user avatar
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How to seam seal Tyvek?

Tyvek generally comes in 4' and 5' wide sheets. To make a suitable tarp, footprint, groundcloth, etc. I will need to sew together a couple of sheets. How do I seam seal the Tyvek to prevent leaking ...
Russell Steen's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

What kind of Tyvek is suitable for footprint material

When buying Tyvek online, there appear to be a myriad of options and numbers. Which numbers are suitable for making a tent footprint? Known numbers: 1443R, 1622E, 10G, 10GX, 1460, RV, 14M... (may ...
Russell Steen's user avatar