When cycling, and increasingly when hiking, I use a bike computer GPS app on my phone, but my phone is no longer waterproof, so I'm thinking of a dedicated GPS device. However I'm picky, and having borrowed a couple of devices haven't found one I like. I find that I have a much better sense of direction if I follow a breadcrumb trail with the map set to north at the top, rather than turning with the road. Combined with good mapping on a good screen (easily identified) this makes things like rerouting and working out what I can see in the distance much easier. This is probably a legacy of learning to navigate on paper, which in many ways I still prefer for hiking - but I want to navigate, not be navigated.
But this feature either doesn't exist on any unit, or is never listed in the specs - so how can I identify a device that supports it, before ordering (and I would have to order online)?