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Questions tagged [muscle-cramps]

Questions about muscle cramps

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13 votes
1 answer

How can I prevent calf muscle pain while descending?

I am 43 years of age and recently took up high altitude trekking in the Himalayas. I have observed that on my descent (with practically no ascents) my calf muscles start paining immensely. If I turn ...
Suvarghya Dutta's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Continue a hike when legs start cramping

Yesterday I was hiking in partly deep snow where postholing was inevitable. I had no problems until one moment when I was getting cramps in the femoral. Luckily it was close to the end of my tour and ...
Wills's user avatar
  • 12.2k
17 votes
2 answers

What should one do when get a cramp while swimming?

I'm not a really good swimmer. While swimming casually, when I get a cramp in my thighs or toes, it definitely makes me panic a bit and hampers my swimming in a bad way. What should I be doing if I ...
WedaPashi's user avatar
  • 31.8k
4 votes
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Struggling with Muscle cramps when in water [closed]

I am not a very good swimmer. I don't swim regularly either. When I swim and relax for an less than an hour, I start getting cramps, specifically in Toes. What could be the reason?
WedaPashi's user avatar
  • 31.8k