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Questions tagged [yellowstone]

Questions specific to Yellowstone National Park in the United States.

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5 votes
3 answers

What Is the name of the supervolcano or earthquake epicenter at Yellowstone National Park?

When I visited Yellowstone National Park, I learned that there was one river that flowed over the exact point where the massive supervolcano would erupt from (if it ever does), OR where fault lines / ...
Headblender's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Possible dangerous animals in north-west natural parks of the US in late July

I am going to go to the Yellowstone park and other parks in the north-west (e.g., Glacier park); I'll be there for a couple of weeks in the late summer and we will sleep in tents in campgrounds part ...
Fuca26's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Where can we see genetically pure American Bison, including Yellowstone National Park?

Most species of bison have been bred with cattle at one time or another during history. The American Bison (bison bison) is unique because it's genetically pure, having only the DNA of the bison, with ...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How to get weather forecasts at Yellowstone?

We'll be camping at Yellowstone for a week. What solutions are there to get weather forecasts? I am aware of: NOAA weather radio: would prefer to avoid if there's anything better because it's bulky ...
Mili's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Yellowstone back country camping trip? [closed]

My wife and I are trying to figure out if back country camping in Yellowstone is something we are prepared for. We've never done this before, so the planning is the hardest part for us right now. We ...
Damon Bauer's user avatar