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Questions tagged [coyotes]

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2 answers

Why aren't coyotes hunted for meat?

I've heard that coyotes can be shot any time of year in Ontario because they are a nuisance animal, but coyotes aren't often hunted for meat. Why aren't coyotes hunted for meat? Resemble dogs; we ...
User1974's user avatar
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3 answers

Will a coyote attack my dog on a leash while I'm on a hiking trail?

Is a coyote or pack of coyotes likely to attack my small dog if she is with me on a trail on a leash? I heard of someone's dog being eaten while the woman was walking her pet on a leash. She was ...
Bonnie S.'s user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Are urban coyotes a danger to small children?

I live in a city in Ontario, Canada. If city coyotes are not showing signs of aggressive behaviour the city does not normally do anything. My concern in my area is that this is a pack of at least 5 ...
Greg's user avatar
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1 answer

How late in the season can you hunt coyote?

It's currently April and I know that's considered late in the season for hunting coyote. Given that I live in a desert climate, how late can you hunt coyote? Is there a reason why I couldn't hunt them ...
Unknown Coder's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

Pack of coyotes in my neighborhood

Coyotes are coming through the lot next to my house. There are several. One ran across my driveway 2 nights ago. When I take my pomeranian out before bed, I hear them about 100 feet to the left of my ...
Wilma Hontz's user avatar
36 votes
7 answers

How dangerous is a band of coyotes to a lone, unarmed human?

There's a delightful thrill to the call of a band of coyotes when you're alone in the dark woods. Do they present a danger? That is, have healthy coyotes (that is, not rabid) been known to attack or ...
Don Branson's user avatar
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