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9 votes

Why would a raccoon climb a building?

As far as the raccoon goes, there really isn't a whole lot out of the ordinary taking place in this story. It's basically a raccoon doing raccoon things. Raccoons are inquisitive animals and very ...
whatsisname's user avatar
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8 votes

Why would a raccoon hold its ground in the middle of the road with oncoming traffic?

In UK rabbits exhibit this behaviour (no raccoons here). They become mesmerised by the headlights. It's not so much an act of defiance but confusion. There are even idioms (from Farlex) like a rabbit ...
Weather Vane's user avatar
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4 votes

Why would a raccoon hold its ground in the middle of the road with oncoming traffic?

What would possess a small animal to hold its ground as a giant object barrels towards it? Some kind of illness or injury. The racoon in your video did not appear to be injured. The raccoon's ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
2 votes

How to trap and relocate raccoons?

If you are satisfied with trapping raccoons one at a time, I recommend the cat-sized Havahart Trap. These traps come in many sizes, from mouse to coyote and maybe larger. I have no affiliation with ...
ab2's user avatar
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2 votes

How to trap and relocate raccoons?

Why Not Trap? Raccoons are smart. They know that one of them got caught in the trap and they know that by going in, they risk the same. If you're patient, it's likely you'll catch more within a few ...
Lii's user avatar
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1 vote

How to trap and relocate raccoons?

How to trap and relocate raccoons? Raccoons are extremely clever and will quite easily try to outsmart you if they can. Some years ago I had a huge problem with raccoons at our henhouse. One day, ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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How to trap and relocate raccoons?

You might try different bait, something that's more smelly like wet cat food or supposed to work better like marshmallows. If you can at the same time limit the other things they might want to eat, ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar

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