I am hoping for more than anecdotal evidence about the negative effects on black bears of the human scent -- ranging from meh to Yecch.
This question is prompted by two anecdotes I have to offer: (1) I was sniffed by a black bear in my sleeping bag. The bear reminded me, even as I was rudely awakened. of a wine taster. Several Snuffles (intake) followed by several explosive Snorts. Fortunately, I was judged inedible. The bear wandered off. (2) A bear grabbed my pack from beside my sleeping bag, ripped it open, removed and eviscerated several packages of freeze dried food, but stopped at a barrier of filthy clothes, under which one package remained unscathed.
Is there evidence of the off-putting-ness of the human aroma more compelling than anecdotes similar to these? I am asking specifically about black bears, but would welcome answers about other predators at or near the top of the food chain.