I am wondering what is the best way to progress from being a consistent V4 and on-sight/redpoint 5.11 climber? I seem to have hit a plateau in my progression and it is super frustrating. Indoors, I flash V4 range climbs but then work and work V5 and get one every few goes. I am focusing more on bouldering at the moment, so any tips or training schemes would be beneficial!
Additional Info: By V4, I mean the V difficulty grade of the climb. The V scale, and Font scale, explained here.
The 5.X scale is for rock climbing. It is also used as a difficulty grade, and is explained better here.
The terminology I used, including flash and redpoint, can be found online but there are many, many terms that have been used and become common. I found this is a good, simple explanation of the most common few without throwing 50+ at you in one read. Link here.