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Questions tagged [france]

Questions specific to the country of France.

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17 votes
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Staying safe from hunters while hiking in France

This question is specific to France, as different countries have different hunting cultures and regulations. There have been a number of highly publicized accidents in France this year (1, 2, 3). ...
Shellabo's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Hiking in the Pyrenees late July/early August, what track should I do?

I'm looking for a 5-7 days hike. Or something around that, more or less, I'm flexible. The idea would be to stay away from hordes of tourists. We don't mind people, but we don't like queuing up on a ...
Paul Irofti's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to walk from the UK/France to Georgia?

I really want to go to the country of Georgia but don't have enough money to fly there. I had a genius idea and decided that I could hire a boat and get across the English channel to France, and then ...
Featherball's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Where are some small, pleasant, natural walk-in campgrounds in France?

We're heading to the Ardèche in France in spring, an area with hundreds if not thousands of campgrounds. Many of those are massive with lots of entertainment provided by facilities such as multiple ...
gerrit's user avatar
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6 votes
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Bouldering in Font

I will be heading to Font and am beginning to plan specific areas to head to. I'm bouldering up to 6b but have heard the grades are stiffer over there (compared to the UK) - if there is a difference, ...
EmmaL's user avatar
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6 votes
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Hiking in SE France

What are: a)some good resources for 1-2 day hikes in southern France, between Lyon and Nice? b)some good 1-2 day hikes between Lyon and Nice? I am looking for something with scenery (e.g. lakes, ...
val's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What are the risks when encounter a wild animal when camping? [closed]

I'm new in Camping, and recently I have camped in France, in the Vosges region, in the locality called "Le bonhomme". Well it's not the pure wilderness but it was very unusual for me, as it was ...
Dipiks's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Searching for a sport route in the Briançon area, France

I am searching for a limestone multi-pitch sport route in France, in the Briançon area, that is nicely bolted, up to 5c (French grade) difficult and that has at least 7 pitches. I am searching online ...
Dakatine's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is the gas canister standard common in France incompatible with EAN417?

Most small (110g, 225g) gas cartridges now use EAN417 threads with a valve. Research on this forum suggests that in France, the CampingGaz standard is preferred and that, allegedly, isn't EAN417. So,...
NFC's user avatar
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3 votes
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Southern Half of Corsica's GR20 hike in late October

The GR20 between Calenzana and Conca is considered one of Europe's best but also most difficult hikes. The recommended time of year to do this hike safely is usually given as June to mid-October. Our ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Hiking in France in August - Grenoble

I know that in the mountains around Grenoble there are some huts. I would like to go on a two-day hike and spend a night in such hut. I mean how much snow there is? How low can a temperature drop ...
user46147's user avatar
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2 votes
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Mosquito free areas closest to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France?

Near Camping la Brise in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France, mosquitos are quite hungry. Which areas around the sea tend to have the least mosquito population? Which characteristics (climate, habitat ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Looking for a route in Queyras/Vanoise (France)

Bonjour chers lecteurs! Me and and friend want to hike in Queyras or Vanoise. We are aware of the fact that most huts are closed and are very well equipped to bivouac. We are experienced hikers but we ...
Noud Egberts's user avatar