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Hunting geese "by hand"?

I'm not saying this is a good idea, but I know of a way to catch waterfowl by hand. Disclaimer: This was something that we did as kids, though with ducks, and not geese. The ducks were wild but near ...
fgysin's user avatar
  • 13.4k
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Hunting geese "by hand"?

Not protected in all jurisdictions. And generally hunting laws are hard to enforce. If I were homeless in Vancouver, BC I'd be going after geese. Note however: the reason that Canadians generally ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
1 vote

Why aren't coyotes hunted for meat?

People hunt fairly few carnivores for food. Exceptions: Inuit hunt seals and polar bear. Many first nations hunt black bear, but generally only in late sumemr fall when they have had a mostly ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
4 votes

How to identify unsafe trees for climbing stand?

I am a hunter. You identify the tree in the daylight not only for safety but also if the location is ideal for hunting. Do you have good views of travel corridors and the deer trails in the area? ...
Schleis's user avatar
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13 votes

How to identify unsafe trees for climbing stand?

I am not a hunter nor a tree climber, but I have a lot of trees on my property, and I keep an eye on them (to, e.g., prevent them from falling on the house or overshading the understory.) There are ...
ab2's user avatar
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5 votes

Why aren't coyotes hunted for meat?

Coyotes are largely scavengers, so their meat is both very gamey and doesn't taste good and could be ridden with parasites like trichinella. It's much safer to both hunt and eat herbivores, so that's ...
bart ender's user avatar
3 votes

Hunting geese "by hand"?

This is illegal. The rules and regulations of hunting in Illinois are available in digest on the Illinois Department of Natural Resources website. The digest is a PDF, accessible from the dropdown ...
bob1's user avatar
  • 11.3k

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