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35 votes

How to avoid getting wet when exiting a canoe onto shore?

Getting out is not the hard part. It is getting in and going again without getting wet. To get out: If the beach is large enough come in sideways, lean away from shore to as you beach. when the ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
32 votes

Cold water swimming - go in quickly? or slowly?

The worry with going in fast is cold water shock (RNLI, the main UK lifeboats and beach lifeguards). The cardiovascular effects are a particular concern if you get in fast and immediately put in a lot ...
Chris H's user avatar
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13 votes

How to avoid getting wet when exiting a canoe onto shore?

Aside from waders, there's not much you can do to guarantee your feet will stay dry. No matter how high your waterproofing goes it won't help when you fall on your side from a rock shifting under foot ...
kcazllerraf's user avatar
11 votes

At what temperature does rain become not chilling?

I'd say, very hard to answer as it depends on a lot of factors, especially personal preference (e.g. I get cold if I'm tired or hungry). Other factors would include exposure time, wind, sunny/cloudy, ...
Max's user avatar
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11 votes

What feeling should I expect when swimming in 5°C (41°F) water?

5°C (41°F) is very cold water for unacclimatised swimmers, especially if you're used to swimming in 18°C (64°F). You could probably manage a short dip (1 or 2 mins), but I would not plan for longer ...
Askell's user avatar
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9 votes

Cold water swimming - go in quickly? or slowly?

I'm an all-year round open water swimmer in Scotland, so highs of around 18°C in summer, lows of around 1.5°C in winter (requiring breaking ice to get in) and for most of us, the usual technique is to ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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6 votes

How to avoid getting wet when exiting a canoe onto shore?

The guys in New Zealand make thermal underwear made from polypropylene - different material to the stuff that the fancy brands use. It's cheap, and it stays warm even when - not if - you get wet. ...
WillC's user avatar
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6 votes

How to avoid getting wet when exiting a canoe onto shore?

Adding to previous answers: If shore slope is shallow then beach head-on, otherwise come in sideways. For head-on approach, keep weight back to lift the bow, then shift weight forward after beaching....
amI's user avatar
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5 votes

Cold water swimming - go in quickly? or slowly?

You don't have to jump in the water to get accustomed to the temperature quickly. Splashing yourself with water has essentially the same effect: once you're wet, (re-)entering the water for a swim is ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
4 votes

Cold water swimming - go in quickly? or slowly?

Took someone waterskiing in January, with a wetsuit on. She fell off, and head went under the water. Stopped breathing immediately - I think it's a bodily safety function. So, more care needed with ...
Tim's user avatar
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4 votes

Cold water swimming - go in quickly? or slowly?

A fourteen year old boy in our neighbourhood drowned from cold shock when he jumped into a swimming pool last winter. Don't do this. It may be happen very very seldomly, but it does happen.
Susara Blommetjie's user avatar
4 votes

At what temperature does rain become not chilling?

I live quite a bit further north than that, and my main complaint about getting caught in the rain is to get wet. Scotland is notorious for having some very wet days. But rain rarely gets cold here as ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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3 votes

At what temperature does rain become not chilling?

I can answer from my personal preference. I am a pluviophile who likes to drench in the rains for long hours. I travelled to Cherrapunji, India in peak monsoon season where it rains quite heavily (...
Deepika Sharma's user avatar
3 votes

How to avoid getting wet when exiting a canoe onto shore?

What kind of environment is the trip in? If you can find straight shores designed for mooring boats getting in and out dry should not be a problem. If the shores are all shallow and beach like the ...
Monster's user avatar
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2 votes

How to avoid getting wet when exiting a canoe onto shore?

When a canoe has one end on shore,it's unstable. It helps if one person squats with knees on either side of the bow while the first person steps in. At the end, the bowsman steps into the canoe and ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
1 vote

What feeling should I expect when swimming in 5°C (41°F) water?

On a dare with a friend I went into the Saskatchewan River while the river was still running with broken ice, and there were bergybits in the main current. The bet was to stay in 1 minute up to our ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
1 vote

Advice on wild swimming in Ontario, Canada

Wear water shoes so you don't have to worry about getting in or out. Also drag along a swim buoy so boats can see you. These are small neon inflatables that attach to you. If you find yourself being ...
Judith Hazlett's user avatar

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